View Full Version : 216 holes

Michelle Rich
08-11-2013, 1:54 PM
I have never liked blue bowls. I have no reason why. After seeing T. Boulder's blue bowl , I tried coloring my newest piece. Surprise, I liked this blue bowl too. 5-1/2 h 7diam maple, metallic paint & stain. So thanks for sharing your coloring attempts. You might have changed my mind

Eric Holmquist
08-11-2013, 2:23 PM
Nice shade of blue, and interesting effect on the slots. In some way the slots are similar to your other pieces, and in some ways quite different. Is this a new idea you are exploring?

Michelle Rich
08-11-2013, 2:43 PM
hi Eric: yes, this is a new idea. I don't think I have seen it done this way. I have made pieces that had openings, but not this way. thanks for commenting .

Bill Hensley
08-11-2013, 3:46 PM
The whole concept works! Well done.

charlie knighton
08-11-2013, 4:00 PM
i like your blue Michelle, the no curves is interesting also

Mike Cruz
08-11-2013, 4:28 PM
Michelle, I will keep my dimpled white logoed spherical sporting accessory remarks to myself on this one. ;)

I do love the vibrant blue!!

Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2013, 5:40 PM
Beautiful Michelle and I like the color to.

Baxter Smith
08-11-2013, 8:57 PM
It may take a bit to figure out how you might have done this one Michele. Unless it was segmented and you are trying to confound us by adding the color.:)

Michelle Rich
08-11-2013, 10:11 PM
Baxter, no confounding here. As a matter of fact a segmentation would have been laborious and require more patience than I have..200+ little pieces glued in even spacing? Naw not for me!

Rick Markham
08-11-2013, 11:46 PM
Blue looks good on you! Striking piece Michelle, the color is fitting and mesmerizing. The form is fantastic, It would look amazing on my coffee table :D

Michelle Rich
08-12-2013, 6:05 AM
thanks Rick..it looks fantastic on my coffee table too, and on my braggin' shelves!!!

Michelle Rich
08-12-2013, 6:06 AM
For those of you who would like that color for something you wish to make: airbrush color by Jacquard called metallic blue.