View Full Version : How to Clean Stained Marble?

Laura Zaruba
05-26-2005, 12:24 PM
I have some marble I got from Lasersketch that is stained from dirt and the paper they put between pieces. Does anyone know how to remove the stains? Sometimes alcohol works, sometimes it doesn't.

Jerry Allen
05-26-2005, 12:42 PM
I have used bleach on a q-tip before. Not miraculous, but it worked.
Is it stained before etching? That sounds like it would be hard to see.

Laura Zaruba
05-26-2005, 12:48 PM
It is stained before etching. If I were doing a full photo or something it wouldn't be so bad but if I can't etch over the stained parts you can see it pretty well. I'll have to try bleach and see how that works.

Jerry Allen
05-26-2005, 1:35 PM
I wasn't sure what you were talking about. I used the bleach after etching.
I think I would try a light amount of acetone just in case it's glue or carbonaceous char, etc., and then use Gel Gloss or a marble specific cleaner.

from the Heloise site:
Try this simple home solution: Mix liquid dishwashing detergent with warm water and use a sponge to clean your marble. Be sure to thoroughly rinse to remove all soap residue -- a buildup could damage the stone, according to the Marble Institute of America. Then buff dry with a soft cloth; never air-dry. Anything acidic -- like lemon, vinegar or bathroom cleansers -- can eat into marble. Hair dyes may also leave permanent stains. And the alcohol in aftershave lotions and perfumes can cause etching.