View Full Version : Square Paduk

Kathy Marshall
08-09-2013, 1:36 AM
I've been working on this piece for the past few days, and finally finished it up tonight. The turning went pretty quick, but all the hand sanding took some time.
This was made from another of the cutoffs I received last month (if you can all a 10" x 30" x 2" board a cutoff!)
It's Paduk, and yes the shop is orange, the lathe is orange and my shirts are now orange.
It's been a while since I turned any paduk and it reminded me how nice it turns and finishes.
It's 10" x 10" x 1 1/2" and I gave it some little feet to stand on. So far it's just got 1 coat of antique oil and I'll probably add a couple more before buffing.

Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Philip Duffy
08-09-2013, 5:12 AM
Looks great, and its sure to catch the eye in person as Paduk is pretty rare these days in that size. P.

Tim Rinehart
08-09-2013, 6:56 AM
Sweet piece. I'm so used to seeing the wings go down, it's a welcome diversion seeing them go up! Whodathunk!
Wonderful flow and finish Kathy

Roger Chandler
08-09-2013, 7:53 AM
Really sweeeeeeeeet K! Great form and I like the bead, the upturned corners and the feet...nice work!

Alan Zenreich
08-09-2013, 8:36 AM
Lovely. Very nicely done.

Alan Trout
08-09-2013, 9:17 AM
That is a wonderful piece. Proportions of the rim and feet are perfect. I have always been found of the coloration of paduk but you are right turns everything orange except on me the tannin turns my hands black and if I am wearing a sweaty shirt is turns it black. Pissed the wife off ruining clothes more than once with paduk.

Dennis Ford
08-09-2013, 9:18 AM
I love this bowl, the simple bowl shape and the gently upturned corners are great. The small feet put it over the top.

Gus Dundon
08-09-2013, 3:35 PM
That is very well done! I am very impressed! I love what you did to that wood. It's cool!

Kathy Marshall
08-09-2013, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the great comments everyone!
I'm happy with how this one turned out and I've got some ideas for the rest of the board.

Bill White
08-10-2013, 10:56 AM
Very well done, and you're right about the dust/chip mess the wood makes. Thought that I would never get the stuff off everything in the shop (including me).

Bernie Weishapl
08-10-2013, 11:13 AM
Great looking piece Kathy.

Rick Markham
08-10-2013, 12:22 PM
That's a super sweet shape on that Kathy! I really like the bead, it accentuates the change in form. Very well done, the carved feet are a stellar touch to this one, I bet it floats just perfectly above the table. Well executed.

charlie knighton
08-10-2013, 9:26 PM
i like your piece, the feet and the sqareness, do several more, they sort of grow on you

Baxter Smith
08-10-2013, 10:38 PM
Some simple touches give it a very elegant look Kathy!

Chris Studley
08-12-2013, 2:02 PM
I like it, It's subtle in its beauty, I have a 5x5" piece of Padauk I've been looking to make a square bowl with as there is some sap wood in one of the corners that would be a shame to turn away. I've been avoiding it because of the "Mars-ification" to my shop. I'm feeling inspired now. BTW, Padauk shavings are great source of material for Mars related school projects, easier than the steel wool/water for rust method.