View Full Version : Philistines at the gate

Peter Pedisich
08-07-2013, 8:47 PM
How could they?


The restoration shop at Air & Space Dulles.

Hurts me just to look at it.

Frederick Skelly
08-07-2013, 9:51 PM
Im not certain, but I think Smithsonian gets at least some of their budget from Uncle Sam. (I know they were founded by Mr. Smithson's estate.)

If Im right, that bench is probably the one they were going to SCRAP when they bought a bigger one that you didnt see. Your (our) tax dollars at work?


Bruce Haugen
08-07-2013, 10:04 PM
That bench looks a lot like mine, excepting, of course, the apprentices. OTOH, on occasion mine has been used to rebuild motorcycle engines and carburetors. Just say they're multipurpose.

Lonnie Gallaher
08-07-2013, 11:10 PM
I was in a specialty clothing shop the other day with my wife admiring their antique display tables. Very nice old (huge) benches with full drawer fronts. On the way out I almost walked by the very bench in the picture above. It was covered in clothing and I missed it on the way in. It was complete and looked in good shape. However the wooden screws were frozen. They looked in good shape. Perhaps they were glued .

Steve Voigt
08-07-2013, 11:37 PM
Ha! Welcome to America!

Bill Houghton
08-08-2013, 1:34 PM
To some degree, tools is tools.