View Full Version : Flaming!!!

Roger Chandler
08-06-2013, 4:35 PM
We saved this wood from the firewood pile today..........:eek::eek::eek:..........can you believe it........it was really going to be burned?!!!

Check out the flame in this box elder maple............I have seen pics of some with similar flame figure, but never personally seen anything close to this one!!! A few of our club members showed up in Winchester, Va. to rescue this damsel in distress..........glad we did!

You can see that my big saw and my wood hauler rig worked out very well! I have a feeling we really did overload that thing! :eek::rolleyes:


Bob Bergstrom
08-06-2013, 5:04 PM
I just wet in my pants. That is the best of the best, and so much of it. Can't wait to see some finished pieces. Also nice saw. Thanks for the look.

Michelle Rich
08-06-2013, 5:09 PM
green (or pink as the case may be) with envy..very very green

charlie knighton
08-06-2013, 5:13 PM
nice find and haul, looking good

Brent Ring
08-06-2013, 5:35 PM
Nice score!

Mike Cruz
08-06-2013, 5:44 PM
Looks like a great haul of FBE, Roger.

Steve Doerr
08-06-2013, 5:47 PM
WOW that is absolutely amazing. I'm veryyyyyyyyyyyy jealous. Can't wait to see all of the neat turnings that come out of that haul.

Roger Chandler
08-06-2013, 6:13 PM
Mike.......we cut it for club members......although I do have an entire trailer load :D .........but a lot of it will go back to the club in a few days......they had to make room for it, so it is on my trailer for now. I get first pick of anything I want.......my efforts were certainly a major contributor in labor and equipment for sure! ;)

Brian Brown
08-06-2013, 6:42 PM
Can I join your club? Huh huh can I huh?! :):):D

Mike Cruz
08-06-2013, 7:12 PM
Roger, you DESERVE the pic of the litter! Cutting that stuff up is hard work. Granted, for the beginning of August it SHOULD have been 95 and humid while you were cutting that up...not 75 and somewhat humid. But it is a lot of work. AND your work isn't over. That stuff needs to be sealed or it will crack and be useless. Cutting is only part of the chore. And with that whole load, I don't envy you! Get the goodest (:D) stuff, drop off the rest, and make somethin' purdy!

Roger Chandler
08-06-2013, 7:17 PM
Roger, you DESERVE the pic of the litter! Cutting that stuff up is hard work. Granted, for the beginning of August it SHOULD have been 95 and humid while you were cutting that up...not 75 and somewhat humid. But it is a lot of work. AND your work isn't over. That stuff needs to be sealed or it will crack and be useless. Cutting is only part of the chore. And with that whole load, I don't envy you! Get the goodest (:D) stuff, drop off the rest, and make somethin' purdy!

That is the general plan Mike! I parked the trailer under the shade this afternoon.......covered it over with a tarp and will try to get a few pieces processed and sealed for my stash tomorrow morning early........the other club members can fight over the rest! :D

Roger Chandler
08-06-2013, 7:18 PM
Can I join your club? Huh huh can I huh?! :):):D

Wish you were nearer, Brian! You would have a blast! ;)

Robert Speier
08-06-2013, 7:35 PM
What a haul Roger, have fun turning

Bernie Weishapl
08-06-2013, 8:24 PM
Wow that is a haul Roger. Good looking wood.

Dan Hintz
08-06-2013, 8:30 PM
I just keep staring at that slice... and salivating...

Roger Chandler
08-06-2013, 9:03 PM
I just keep staring at that slice... and salivating...

yep...........I did not get that slice....I was also salivating, Dan..........it went to a guy named Norm Reid.........he wanted it for a table top......he guarded it, and we loaded it on his truck with other pieces. This was a big tree.......we got two pickup loads, two trailer loads out of this one! The two pickup loads were going to the individuals who came to get wood for their own use...........

Marc Himes
08-06-2013, 10:20 PM
What a great looking tree. I am looking forward to see some turned.

Kathy Marshall
08-07-2013, 12:06 AM
Nice haul Roger!

robert baccus
08-07-2013, 12:19 AM
Congratulations-that's about as pretty as it comes. Watch out for the great battle--cracking vs. black mildew--although it can be called spalting of course.

Jon Lanier
08-07-2013, 12:36 AM
Now that is an awesome save! Glad you caught it in time. Now you make sure you have yourself a good time turning that stuff!

Rick Markham
08-07-2013, 2:59 AM
DROOL... required: YOU SUCK!:D You are a lucky lucky man... wish people just tossed that stuff out around here! What size bar you running on that thar saw? I just got me a stihl MS441C.

Alan Arnup
08-07-2013, 3:33 AM
What a magnificent sight, I can only imagine how many turners are
drooling over such a gain for you and your mates.

Look forward to seeing some results in due course.

Mike Cruz
08-07-2013, 6:40 AM
Rick, I found an MS650 with a 36" bar on CL. Yeah, I had to go pick it up... :D

Tim Rinehart
08-07-2013, 8:57 AM
Awesome flames Roger! That's gonna produce some knockout pieces. Looking forward to seeing some of yours. I suspect it's gonna be a lot more forgiving to turn than the SJPT wood.

Roger Chandler
08-07-2013, 9:10 AM
DROOL... required: YOU SUCK!:D You are a lucky lucky man... wish people just tossed that stuff out around here! What size bar you running on that thar saw? I just got me a stihl MS441C.

I am using a 28" currently on this Husky xp390........thought about a 36" but I am not getting any younger! This saw will easily pull a 36" if I need it in the future.

Roger Chandler
08-07-2013, 9:12 AM
Awesome flames Roger! That's gonna produce some knockout pieces. Looking forward to seeing some of yours. I suspect it's gonna be a lot more forgiving to turn than the SJPT wood.

I certainly hope it is easier than the SJPT wood, Tim!

Michael Gibson
08-07-2013, 9:19 AM
You hit a home run there. Can't wait to see what you make with it. Michael.

Richard Coers
08-07-2013, 11:35 AM
I'd sell every stick of that as fast as you can. Folks will pay big bucks for the color, and then in 5 years all their work will be a dull salmon color unless they keep it in a closet. Best color pen I ever turned, came from some stock just like this. I gave it to my son for a work promotion gift. 5 years latter it looks nothing like what I gave him. Dull and lifeless color now.

Baxter Smith
08-07-2013, 3:44 PM
Great haul of pretty wood Roger. Should make some stunning turnings in the short term.

Roger Chandler
08-07-2013, 7:35 PM
I'd sell every stick of that as fast as you can. Folks will pay big bucks for the color, and then in 5 years all their work will be a dull salmon color unless they keep it in a closet. Best color pen I ever turned, came from some stock just like this. I gave it to my son for a work promotion gift. 5 years latter it looks nothing like what I gave him. Dull and lifeless color now.

Thanks for the suggestion Richard.......I am more interested in the members of our club getting this than making money off of it!

Steve Mawson
08-07-2013, 9:50 PM
Perhaps you deserve a award for "Tree Saving"! Quite the save, ENJOY.

Roger Chandler
08-07-2013, 10:40 PM
Perhaps you deserve a award for "Tree Saving"! Quite the save, ENJOY.

At least it is better than burning it for firewood.....:eek:.....thanks Steve! ;)

Rick Markham
08-08-2013, 3:01 AM
Rick, I found an MS650 with a 36" bar on CL. Yeah, I had to go pick it up... :D

Craigslist here has no such goodies! The MS660 will be my next chainsaw purchase :cool:

You are always at least one step ahead of me Mike :eek:

Roger, I'm running a lowly 22" bar on my MS441C. Hopefully one day soon I will need a bigger bar :D

Roger Chandler
08-08-2013, 6:36 AM
Craigslist here has no such goodies! The MS660 will be my next chainsaw purchase :cool:

You are always at least one step ahead of me Mike :eek:

Roger, I'm running a lowly 22" bar on my MS441C. Hopefully one day soon I will need a bigger bar :D

Do I detect a bit of chainsaw envy between you & MIke? :D:rolleyes:

Mike Cruz
08-08-2013, 7:22 AM
Hey, I've been running an MS290 with a 20" bar for the last couple of years. Nothing really wrong with that. It is just that there are plenty of times (like last night) where I'm cutting through something that I could really use some extra bar length for. My cuts really never match up all that great when I go to the other side of the log. In all honesty, I'm not sure I really want the 36" bar. I would have been happy with the 32" bar. The 36" is intimidating to look at.

BTW, Rick, if it makes you feel better, this is the MS650...it is the model just before they came out with the MS660. So, get your MS660 and you'll have a 1/2 hp more than mine. ;)