View Full Version : Delta SA350K Bench Spindle Sander

Charles Nesbit
08-05-2013, 8:54 PM
I purchased a Delta SA350K bench oscillating sander today at the local Klingspor location. I liked the table size and shape better than the less expensive Triton and decided not to spring for the Jet 708404 model because I wasn't sure I'd utilize it enough to justify paying another $190.00. I brought it home, turned it on and all it did was spin, no oscillating. After doing a little internet research I learned the worm gear fails on these units. I opened up the gear box and sure enough the threads were destroyed on the nylon worm gear. It is amazing a company selling a product with a suggested retail price of $399.00, and discounted retail of $299.00, won't spend an extra 50 cents in manufacturing to provide a metal worm gear particularly when it is a critical failure part and has been a known issue with this particular model for a number of years.

I'll be back to the store tomorrow to return the sander and pick up a new Jet which has many good reviews plus a higher horsepower motor, tilting table and metal base (instead of plastic). Going forward I'll remove Delta from consideration for machinery purchases.

Frederick Skelly
08-05-2013, 10:12 PM
Very sad, what's happened to Delta. I'll bet you enjoy the JET though. I love their stuff.