View Full Version : Sealing grease spots?

keith micinski
08-05-2013, 8:25 PM
So I sanded and cleaned the cabinets. Then I used a Zinzer latex sealer primer because that's what the lady at the store told me to use. It didn't work. I am still getting some grease spots bleeding threw the paint. After doing some reading It looks like maybe I should have used an oil based sealer primer for grease stains and was wondering if it was to late now with out sanding everything down and starting over. I used a Dutch boy high gloss acrylic paint and don't know if I can try the oil based sealer over the top of that or not now that it is on there. Any suggestions.

Mel Fulks
08-05-2013, 9:00 PM
I'm sure many here will agree that the BIN sealer is a sure bet. Seals oil, grease ,lipstick,crayon,pitch, with one coat ,drys fast and compatible with acrylic or oil paint.

Scott Holmes
08-05-2013, 10:59 PM
1+ for Zinsser's BIN sealer. It's white pigmented shellac it will stick to Teflon.

keith micinski
08-06-2013, 4:08 PM
Can it be purchased at the local box store?

Mel Fulks
08-06-2013, 4:11 PM
I've seen it in lowes ,but almost all paint stores carry it too.

Prashun Patel
08-06-2013, 4:19 PM
Yes. You can buy it from the Big Boxes. It's shellac based. In fact, you can also spot seal with regular shellac of you have it on hand and only need a spot or two sealed.

keith micinski
08-06-2013, 6:33 PM
I never new that thank you prashun I might give that a try first. I think I have some old shellac laying around.

Scott Holmes
08-06-2013, 9:33 PM
Old shellac laying around? If it's premixed it has a shelf life of about 3 years. Make sure it's de-waxed; which is better at sealing contaminates.

keith micinski
08-09-2013, 8:49 PM
I ended up buying the bin sealer since I was on a time crunch and didn't want to mess round. I wish I would have asked at the start because it would have saved me a lot of time and trouble.