View Full Version : Northern Lights platter/wall hanging.

Marc Himes
08-02-2013, 8:14 AM
This was my first attempt at trying to portray a sunrise. It ended up quite dark due to the amount of dye I used, looking more like the Aurora than a sunrise. It is a slab from a Box Elder Burl about 18" in diameter finished with Wipe on Poly.

C&C welcome.267727

Toby Bouder
08-02-2013, 8:33 AM
I like it, it does have an Aurora look to it. Nice large piece, would look good hanging on the wall. Interestingly I am currently doing my first try at dyeing a box elder burl piece and I have also overdone the blue dye. Part of the learning process I suppose. Hopefully, I will post my finished piece when done.

John Keeton
08-02-2013, 9:43 AM
Marc, my immediate thought was - an iris, as in the eye. Really a neat effect.

charlie knighton
08-02-2013, 9:45 AM
very nice, wallhangings are a different mindset, i like your color........do you use a saciface piece of wood to test your dyes
i like the largeness

Dale Gillaspy
08-02-2013, 12:08 PM
Overall, I really like it. I think I would have sanded back the color just a little more, and maybe added some yellow or orange to offset the blue a little bit. But overall, I really think you did a great job.

John Keeton
08-02-2013, 12:15 PM
...maybe added some yellow or orange to offset the blue a little bit.Tough to do with blue - one can end up with green real quickly!

Marc Himes
08-02-2013, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the comments. Toby I will look forward to your piece. Charlie, I have quite a few scraps around and usually do test the color to see if it is the right shade and concentration. Dale, I sanded it back a couple of times and there is a fair amount of orange in it as I was originally trying for a sunrise. The wood was quite dry and quickly soaked up the dye to fairly deep levels. John, I share your thoughts about an eye as the flair looks like lashes. Having a turning look like and iris is a fantastic idea. You are right about the yellow. There are times I try to add a little orange and a little yellow to blue to get a coppery effect but it can turn to mud real quick.