View Full Version : Intro and Pest help...

Armando Barajas
08-01-2013, 2:38 PM
As they say ‘Long Time Listener, First Time Caller”. First of all, I will thank everyone here for all the valuable information you all have provided to me over last few years. I have learned a lot and used a lot of if too. It goes from Tools, shop essentials, jigs, techniques, how-2s…you name it I have learned from folks like you, willing to provided knowledge/experience either here or in other places like this. I have always been in the hobby but over the last four years I have started to get into it more serious (hobby wise). Thank you.
I have recently encountered a problem in my garage/workshop. I have tried to do some research on it, but not much has been found with regards to it so I decided I needed to bring it out and ask, hopefully help anyone else who might be having the same issue (hope not but in case).
What I have is some kind of little bug, small enough to miss if you are not paying attention. They are in different areas of my garage, on counter tops, shelves…it is just a big discouraging thing to make me go out and do any kind of work until I deal with them. I have added a link to a video I took of one and provide better visual to all. Any help you can provide would be valuable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OitS0iWxlDA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OitS0iWxlDA)
I have contacted a pest control co to come out and see what they can do for me. I just want them gone.
I live in south GA and it has been a very hot/humid summer. Don’t know if it has anything to do with that. Thanks again.

Patrick Harper
08-01-2013, 2:45 PM
Looks like book lice to me. I see them from time to time. They're pretty harmless, if that's what it is. They almost look like tiny termites, but don't actually harm the wood.

Stephen Cherry
08-01-2013, 2:49 PM
Hi Armando, and welcome. I don't know what type of bug they are, but I use "ortho home defense" occasionally, and it kills just about everything. Pretty cheap also, about 10 dollars for a gallon at the orange store.

Armando Barajas
08-01-2013, 3:10 PM
thanks for the reply. either one of the ones you mentione is just as bad to me. what you do mean little termites that dont harm the wood. i will add, i dont see any signs of tracks of dusty trails on my shelfs or my tebles. i even see them in my plastic trash can.

Armando Barajas
08-01-2013, 3:18 PM
Hi Armando, and welcome. I don't know what type of bug they are, but I use "ortho home defense" occasionally, and it kills just about everything. Pretty cheap also, about 10 dollars for a gallon at the orange store.

Thanks for the info. the ortho you mention, is it the liquid or does it come in aerosol. i think i would probably need it to be aerosol because i would have to spray it all over the garage on top of tables, under tables, in containers shelves...i was hoping the pest control co can just tell me that they can release come kindo of gas bomb and be done with it. even with the ortho, how about all my things getting residue. would i have to clean every items that comes in contact with the residue of any kind of pestiside. i use the liquid for outside, mainly for spiders and ants.

Patrick Harper
08-01-2013, 3:30 PM
Armando, I was saying that book like can look a little bit like a tiny termite. They aren't actually termites.

Armando Barajas
08-01-2013, 3:42 PM
Armando, I was saying that book like can look a little bit like a tiny termite. They aren't actually termites.

i see. got it. i first thought the same thing but i am hoping not.

Rich Engelhardt
08-01-2013, 6:55 PM
Close all the doors nice and tight and stick a couple of Raid fogger type bug bombs in there.
Come back to it a few hours later an air it out.

We'd have to use those when our German Shepherd dragged fleas into the house, which, thankfully, wasn't all that often - a few times in the 13 years we had her.
It might take a few tries to get them all - but - those fogger type aerosol bombs work pretty well as far as home owner type pest control.

Armando Barajas
08-01-2013, 7:06 PM
Close all the doors nice and tight and stick a couple of Raid fogger type bug bombs in there.
Come back to it a few hours later an air it out.

We'd have to use those when our German Shepherd dragged fleas into the house, which, thankfully, wasn't all that often - a few times in the 13 years we had her.
It might take a few tries to get them all - but - those fogger type aerosol bombs work pretty well as far as home owner type pest control.

Thanks Rich,
Do you think these aerosol bombs would reach even the ones that might be under something or inside a container? When you used these was it in your garage and if so did you have to clean everything in it before touching it or using it. Thanks.

Rich Engelhardt
08-01-2013, 10:12 PM
We used them in the living room, family room, dining room and kitchen.
We covered the kitchen counters and everything like the stove surface and any tables.
For the rest of the house, we just left everything uncovered.

The fog the bombs generate gets into a lot of nooks and crannies and underneath things.

We didn't bother to wash things down, but, we did wash our hands real well for the nest few weeks whenever we handled anything that might have gotten the spray on it. As far as poisons go, the stuff in the "bug bombs: is pretty mild on humans and pet sized animals.

Scott T Smith
08-01-2013, 11:41 PM
If you use the bug bombs, make sure that you don't have any open flames (such as a gas water heater) in the garage...

Armando Barajas
08-02-2013, 7:28 AM
We used them in the living room, family room, dining room and kitchen.
We covered the kitchen counters and everything like the stove surface and any tables.
For the rest of the house, we just left everything uncovered.

The fog the bombs generate gets into a lot of nooks and crannies and underneath things.

We didn't bother to wash things down, but, we did wash our hands real well for the nest few weeks whenever we handled anything that might have gotten the spray on it. As far as poisons go, the stuff in the "bug bombs: is pretty mild on humans and pet sized animals.

ok, being that its in the garage for me, it will probably be easier. this will be a good option. i went to the blue box store to look for the boms, but could not find any. i will have to try the orange store. i have the orkin guy coming out today, but when i was discribing it to him he could not come up with what it could be and he said that it sounded like little baby spiders, i was like...i know what little spiders look like, these look nothing like spiders, but we'll see. thanks.

Armando Barajas
08-02-2013, 7:32 AM
If you use the bug bombs, make sure that you don't have any open flames (such as a gas water heater) in the garage...

thanks for the safety tip. good thing (for this case) is i have electric water heater beacuse i have seen them on the shelvs in that little room also so i would have to make sure the treatement spreads in there also.

Rich Engelhardt
08-02-2013, 7:51 AM
i have the orkin guy coming out today,
Orkin will want to sell you a monthly service where they come out each month and treat your whole house.

Check @ Wall Mart or CVA or Walgreen's for the bug bombs.

Jim Matthews
08-02-2013, 8:06 AM
I wonder if a sprinkling of Diatomaceous Earth would interrupt their breeding cycle?

It's not a poison, perse - but it's reasonably effective. No propellants, no residual pyrethrins, it won't kill pets or sicken children.
I wouldn't say it's fast, insects don't drop dead on contact, but the stuff really works.

Being cheap, you can broadcast it over all flat surfaces where you see the critters crawling.


Joe Kieve
08-02-2013, 8:09 AM
ok, being that its in the garage for me, it will probably be easier. this will be a good option. i went to the blue box store to look for the boms, but could not find any. i will have to try the orange store. i have the orkin guy coming out today, but when i was discribing it to him he could not come up with what it could be and he said that it sounded like little baby spiders, i was like...i know what little spiders look like, these look nothing like spiders, but we'll see. thanks.

Anxiously waiting to see what the Orkin man says they are. Let us know what he says. I grew up in S. Georgia and don't remember seeing anything like you described.

Armando Barajas
08-02-2013, 2:34 PM
Well, I wish I had some good or bad news to relate, but the Orkin guy could not tell me what exactly I am dealing with. We were able to capture three in a small clear plastic container because he said he wanted to take them back and inspect them under the microscope and show his boss. So I will have to wait till next week to see if they can tell me.
Here is an observation though. Before we capture them to put in the container, the bugs were full of life and moving fast. We used a piece of writing paper to get them to climb on so we could dump them in the container and so we were able to capture 3 or 4 and they were moving normal upon initial dump in. Well about five minutes later, the bugs were almost dead and not really moving at all. I used a pencil to kind of make them move, but the only thing they would do was just kind of lethargically wiggle their legs. So that was interesting. I did tell him that you guys suggested the bombs and he actually said I would try that too instead of paying the $100+ for treatment. I was like what??? I think maybe since he could not tell me what they are he figured “what can I sell him”. So the saga continues.

Sam Layton
08-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Hi Armando,

Welcome to the Creek. Stephen mentioned Ortho Home Defense. I always keep it on hand to spot treat problem areas. It is made for interior use as well. Sometimes I spray it around my baseboard especially in closets, etc. In your situation, I think I would try it, and put it on a fine mist and spray everything, except cast iron, etc. A light mist just may do the trick, and still be safe.


Nelson Pitter
03-08-2014, 12:55 AM
As we are discussing pests specifically termites it is important to know the types of them termites are of three types of termites

Dry-wood Termites
Subterranean Termites
Damp-wood Termites

These all types can attack wood but they come from different sources like soil, pvc leakages etc
As a pest control expert I and my team believe on orange oil.
It goes deep in holes on wood surface and kill termites and stop their infestation.