View Full Version : tailstock center extension

charlie knighton
07-29-2013, 11:23 AM
tailstock center extension

is this manufacturered by somebody?

Jim Underwood
07-29-2013, 11:25 AM
Why would you need an extension? Don't the tailstock and the quill move?

charlie knighton
07-29-2013, 11:30 AM
i need a tailstock center extension becasue i am making a box without a tendon, using Jerry M. gizmo for headstock holding and pulling up tailstock, the tailstock restricks my tool movement, if it were farther away i think i could have better access to bottom of box

Roger Chandler
07-29-2013, 11:41 AM
Try this one out, Charlie.......from CSUSA.........http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/images/prod/275/ts_mor_tap_ext.jpg

Product Details (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/6/1/25/113/-/5486/Turners-Select-Morse-Taper-Extension#DetailsPanel)

Harry Robinette
07-29-2013, 3:21 PM
Roger is right,but make sure you have a morse taper drift to remove your center from the extension. Check the product detail sheet. I use one on my Vega 2600 all the time and they can get stuck together and you'll need a drift. Also the end you'll be working around is at a guess 1" to maybe 11/8" round.

charlie knighton
07-29-2013, 3:31 PM
thanks, guys....good idea on the drift

Mike Cruz
07-29-2013, 4:31 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a drift?

John Keeton
07-29-2013, 4:37 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a drift? Mike, nothing more than a tapered pin used to enlarge holes or drive objects from a tapered hole, etc.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNCp2JHToPdu9n3DubnMlkVMjC1udh4 bPYCDHoNoV8Ky0efIUIUQ

Mike Cruz
07-29-2013, 5:08 PM
And how does that get your live centers and such out of the extender?

dan carter
07-29-2013, 6:13 PM
Actually you use a drift key which is used to eject Morse Taper shank tools from sleeves, sockets and machine spindles not a drift pin.267502

Jeremy Hamaker
07-29-2013, 6:33 PM
Drift key only works though if your taper is long enough to peek down into the drift window of the extender... Don't ask me how I know that... :-(

Jeremy Hamaker
07-29-2013, 6:37 PM
Mike, on the picture of the extender that Roger posted, there's a 'slot' part way down the sleeve. Theoretically, the morse taper of whatever you put into the extender will be long enough that the end of it peeks into that slot. You take the point of the drift key, put it into that slot 'across' the extender and as you 'hammer' it into the side slot, it exerts pressure on the end of the taper, encouraging it to pop out of the socket it was wedged into.

Mike Cruz
07-29-2013, 7:28 PM
Thanks, Jeremy, that is what I thought, but wasn't sure. Didn't want to "try" to explain that and it start a confusion. You described it well.

charlie knighton
07-29-2013, 7:39 PM
i bought one with the extender, glad to know how to use it before the "now what do i do moment"

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-29-2013, 8:02 PM
My morse taper extension does not have a slot for a drift pin. When my live center needs to be removed, I take the extension out of the lathe and whack it a couple times with a wooden mallet. That loosens the live center quite nicely. No mark is left on the extension and no other damage done.

charlie knighton
07-29-2013, 8:49 PM
whack it on the side or the end? i have a whacker, and then i have bigger objects that i can use as bigger whacker!

Bernie Weishapl
07-29-2013, 9:52 PM
I use the same drift key as Dan does. For the life of me can't remember where I bought it. I also have the extension Roger has shown.

Tom Wilson66
07-29-2013, 10:24 PM
Could use a short rod to extend the shank of the extender into the drift window. Only needs to be about 1/4" into the window to work.

robert baccus
07-29-2013, 11:41 PM
The extension is also great for getting a buffing wheel further away from the headstock --one mounted on a #2 taper that is. A drift key is easily shop made.

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-30-2013, 1:14 AM
I whack it on the side, Charlie.

Paul Heely
07-30-2013, 1:37 PM
Why would you need an extension? Don't the tailstock and the quill move?

I used my extension when coring with the Oneway coring system. Gave me room to bring swing the coring tool and to use the tailstock for extra support.