View Full Version : Animal safe finish

Jason Miser
07-26-2013, 8:41 PM
I am building a stand/platform for LOML's pygmy goat. It will be out of untreated pine 2x4's and plywood.

I want to give it some wear and water protection.

Can i use BLO or Tung with Poly over it? (fully cured and dry)

The goat likes to nibble everything, and wanted to make sure if he does nibble some off, that it won't hurt him.

Bob Wingard
07-26-2013, 8:59 PM
ALMOST any finish is food safe once cured ... a spritz of bitter apple would go a long way toward curbing the little guy's appetite for his environment. They quickly learn what tastes good and what doesn't.

Rich Engelhardt
07-27-2013, 8:01 AM
Avoid any film building finishes - especially polyurethane and epoxy.
While they aren't toxic, they are very acid/chemical resistant & could cause some sort of blockage.

Our vet warned us about this possibility when our part husky was in his "eat everything in sight - including door frames and aluminum siding and door knobs" stage.

Shellac is probably the safest since it builds very, very, very little & what thin film it does lay down can be ingested.

BLO contains metallic driers. Probably not all that great of an idea to use it.

Jason Miser
07-31-2013, 3:54 PM
Thanks for the tips!