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View Full Version : Slabs of fun!

Jeff Nicol
07-23-2013, 9:16 PM
So far this summer it has been full of variety from emergency repairs, fun projects, and lots of wood cut up for different projects. I have bee cutting a lot of what I have on hand into slabs for either platters, table tops and some for carving projects floating around in my very cluttered cranium! Here are a few of the bigger and prettier slabs out of some black walnut and sugar maple. Most of the maple has a lot of good figure in it and as you can see in the pictures I have the big pieces left to cut yet. The big crotch slabs I had to do with my stihl with 20" bar and I still had to pry it apart to get the last inch or so. The widest is 43"x52"long and I think one of them is going to become our little dining table in the kitchen. Now after cutting these I am seriously thinking of getting a "BIG" saw with a 50" bar and setting up an Alaskan mill to do the bigger stuff. Not sure if the bride will give me the go ahead on that, so I will have to do some creative stuff or maybe sell some wood to get a new toy or two!

Thanks for checking out the mess,


Scott Lux
07-23-2013, 11:34 PM
You sir, are a purveyor of "wood porn". That is some gorgeous stuff

Ray Bell
07-24-2013, 12:40 AM
That is very nice Jeff, I will be in the wood market soon.

John Nesmith
07-24-2013, 8:00 AM
Nice. Can I have most of that?

Russell Eaton
07-24-2013, 8:03 AM
Well done Jeff. That is going to make a great table. I got a deal on a big saw and put a 42 inch bar on it. You need to be fully rested to run that BEAST.

Hayes Rutherford
07-24-2013, 8:27 AM
Looks like some great potential there but don't forget to take that boat out a time or two.

Mike Cruz
07-25-2013, 7:38 AM
Purdy, purdy, purdy, Jeff!!!! I remember seeing pics of those logs. I think you were telling me about what you THOUGHT the insides would hold. Sounds like you were right! Have fun with it all...