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View Full Version : Freebies with my laser

Bobby Donald
07-22-2013, 2:27 AM
Hi everyone :) I have my own custom picture business. I also own an Epilog 45watt laser.
Can you lovely people give me some ideas on what I can make with my laser to give away as gifts to my customers?
All I use the laser for now is for engraving plaques on picture framing jobs. It seems such a waste for the laser to sit idle, so maybe with your help I can put it to better use and attract more customers.

Tony saunders
07-22-2013, 5:30 PM
Hi Bobby,

For some folks, I make people a small set of customised business cards - not mine - but for them with their details on. So far it has been well worth the effort because they give them away and I have had several jobs off the back of this for other cards and various other things.

For others I have a more generic gift - a tiny bicycle laser-cut from 2mm mdf in a small acrylic laser-cut box (about 25mm long x 15mm deep x 20mm high)

I used to have a beermat design in acrylic too - horses for courses.


Martin Boekers
07-22-2013, 5:37 PM
There are lots of things here, You will want to check out ornaments around the holiday, (lots here)
Key chains, coasters, Actually "Buzz" came up with a great idea recently, "Air Freshener" material
is laser cut-able and the fragrant oils are cheap. See his posts on that. Wood coins etc.

You can search for ad specialties and see what types of things the "Promo Guys" do.

Chuck Stone
07-22-2013, 8:09 PM
Can't do this on a regular basis, but the local Home Despot was getting rid of stock at
the front of the store. So I made an offer on the whole bin of mini flashlights that they
were selling for $1. I paid $20 for the bin and they were happy to get rid of them.
(there was more than that, just in AA batteries) Half were plastic, which I was going
to throw away, but I ended up selling small flat rate boxes of them for $20. I think I
got 15-20 lights in a box. So the plastic ones paid for everything else, which was the
aluminum lights. I engraved my logo on those and gave them away. I think I ended
up paying about $.04 or $.05 each. They did the same for tape measures and some
other things. Check those clearance bins and make an offer. All they can do is say 'no'

Bobby Donald
07-22-2013, 10:17 PM
Thank you so much for your replies :)
I have food for thought now and will try all your suggestions.
I was also thinking of making book markers that I can slip over the hanging wire with my details engraved.
Thanks again to all of you :)

Bobby Donald
07-22-2013, 10:19 PM
Forgot to ask if anyone has any designs for book markers.

David Rust
07-23-2013, 6:03 PM
wooden nickels with an Indian Head and Buffalo...

Dee Gallo
07-24-2013, 12:14 AM
Maybe you could make something related to your business which won't cost a lot , something like mini-picture frames with engravings on them, or wooden shapes you could apply to the outside/back of a frame like a leaf, letters or heart shape. Also, matboard lasers beautifully and you could use your drops to make all kinds of stuff from business cards to signs to mobiles to "wooden nickels" to inlays on other mats to actual artwork. Laser designs on the picture mats are also a good look when done tastefully. Try designing a small simple puzzle, working gears or 3-D animal, they are popular gifts people will give their kids too. Small samples tend to amaze people with the detail you can get. There are lots of these things in various threads here so take some time to cruise old posts.

cheers, dee

Bobby Donald
07-24-2013, 2:27 AM
Thank you Dee - I have done a fair bit of matboard work on the laser and it does look good. All my business cards are done this way. I will try all your very helpful suggestions. I have not tried the wooden puzzles although I have made a jigsaw with a photo on it on matboard (surprised myself with how well it turned out)
Do you have templates for bookmarkers that have a slot in them? Meantime I am going to check out all the related threads.
Thanks again for your reply and help :) Bobby :)

Mike Chance in Iowa
07-24-2013, 1:50 PM
Do you have templates for bookmarkers that have a slot in them?

Use the Advanced Search feature at the top of the forum and you will find several posts containing files for bookmarks. You can also purchase the Sawmill Creek DVD that contains all the files on the forum at http://www.sawmillcreek.org/forumdisplay.php?34-SawMill-Creek-Store

Bobby Donald
07-26-2013, 10:47 PM
Thanks Mike
That is an amazing site :)

Mike Null
07-27-2013, 5:50 AM
Here are some things I made many years back to give to my woodworking customers.

(when I discovered woodworkers were not my market I stopped):rolleyes: