View Full Version : Can I use solvent-based contact cement on neoprene rubber?

Phil Thien
07-21-2013, 7:18 PM
I started a different thread yesterday about a Ryobi S500A finish sander. I want to replace the pad. I found the guys that make the Preppin Weapon (awesome sanding block, BTW) sell the backing material separately here:


They say to use 3M Number 90 Spray Adhesive. I could buy a can ($12 at Home Depot) or instead try to brush on some regular contact (solvent-based) I already have. This stuff:


The TDB for the Weldwood contact cement says it is neoprene-rubber based, but also says it can be used for bonding rubber. This stuff (the Weldwood) won't melt the neoprene rubber, will it?

I'm trying to avoid a giant mess, and also don't want to spend any more money than I have to. I kinda doubt I'd find any other uses for the 3M Number 90, so I'd like to avoid buying $12 worth of spray adhesive and wasting most of it.

Andrew Howe
07-21-2013, 11:46 PM
Phil i have used with rubber products in past,buft not neoprene. I have some scrpes that i can test for youo want me to try?

Phil Thien
07-21-2013, 11:54 PM
Phil i have used with rubber products in past,buft not neoprene. I have some scrpes that i can test for youo want me to try?

Thanks Andrew. I think I'll just call Weldwood in the morning and ask their technical support people. If all else fails, I can test on a little corner and see what happens, too.

Andrew Joiner
07-22-2013, 1:03 AM
I use solvent based contact cement to repair wetsuits. It won't melt the neoprene and it sticks fine.

Jerry Bruette
07-22-2013, 5:46 PM
We use 3M 90 at work and judging by the smell there's plenty of solvent in it. We also use regular solvent based contact cement on open cell, like a wet suit only 3/8 or 1/2 inch thick, and regular neoprene with no issues at all.
