View Full Version : Grizzly/Jet/Delta 14" vs. Grizzly 17"

Joe Pack
05-12-2003, 10:03 PM
Just when I had just about made up my mind on the "new" Grizzly 14" bandsaw, I came across information on their "new" 17" G0513. Comparing price, the 14" 1hp with riser will run $585, while the 17" 2hp goes for $850 delivered. As before, I am wondering what people more "in the know" think about this 17" Grizzly machine.

I know there will be many who suggest going for the Laguna or the MiniMax, etc., and, for the not-so-casual user, they are probably correct, but those are just not in my price range for the use I will give the saw.

Unless my needs change considerably, the 14" would probably do just what I want to do. The idea of the 17" is for "growth" down the road, i.e., more power, stability, table size, etc. that I might find useful. This will probably be the last bandsaw I buy, so I will take my time, look and consider the opinions of my friends here. Have any of you seen the newer 17" Grizzly up close and personal? What did you think of it? Is the 17" capacity the way to go for a typical hobbyist, or would you stick with a 14" w/riser (be it Grizzly, Jet or Delta)?

Ron Jones near Indy
05-12-2003, 11:38 PM
I have no first have knowledge of either of the Griz options or the Jet. I do have the Delta 14" Grand Edition and it is one sweet machine. Having said that, you must realize that my opinion and $1 will get you a cup of coffee in some places. Take the $1 away and my opinion will get you NOTHING.:p

Lars Thomas
05-13-2003, 8:53 AM
Ron, I'm in the same boat as you. I am on the verge of pulling the trigger on the Grizzly 17" saw. There was a partial review on the Pond that was favorable (now over at Wood Central). However the guy (can't remember his name, sorry) was just in the process of assembling it.

I've compared the features of this saw with the others in the class (specifically the Jet). Basically you get an extra 1/2 horse and a decent fence for an extra $25.

Question for you motor heads . . .The liturature on the saw quotes it as 2 hp. Running it at 120 it pulls 12 amps. It that right? What confuses me is they have another band saw qutoed as 2hp, but pulling 20 amps at 120. How can that be?

It certainly looks like a good machine. The only thing holding me back is the trunnions (and the lingering questions about the motor, above). I havn't seen them described anywhere. Maybe Bill could step in and provide some detail. Bill?

Peter Lyon
05-13-2003, 10:41 AM

I've owned the G5013 17" since last fall. The reason that I purchased it was that I was never all that happy with the performance of my Jet 14" (1 hp. version) when it came to resawing or cutting out bowl blanks in very thick woods (>6"). The Grizzly simply has considerably more power. Additional side benefits include the raising and lowering mechanism and the blade tensioning lever.

I've been extremely happy with it and I'm glad that I made the decsion to switch. If I have any complaints so far, its with the Shopfox mobile base that I bought along with it (a POS in my opinion).

Also, in reference to Lar's questions on the electrical power draw, page 3 of the instruction manual states that, "Under normal use, the motor draws approximately 20 amps at 110V." This leads me to believe --- and I confess that I'm no electrical expert -- that under that scenario, a 20 amp breaker would likely be insufficient at least some of the time. Personally, I operate the saw at 220V (20 amp).

Charles McKinley
05-13-2003, 2:33 PM
The 12 amp number is wrong on the website and the catalog. I went with the Jet 18" because Woodworker's Warehouse because they offered 10% off with the opening of a charge account and 90 days same as cash and the $100 rebate on a second Jet tool. Given the fact that my DC is still on back order and the hoops that you have to jump through to get your $$ from Jet I would have gotten the Grizzly. The Jet gives you cast iron wheels but has 1/2 hp less and 2" less resaw and is about $250 more.

Mike Linne
05-13-2003, 4:35 PM
Jay St. Peter wrote the Pond review on the G0513. I also have the saw and find it to be a pleasure to use. I had the Jet 14" and prefer the Grizzly. Be aware the G0513 is closer to the Jet 16" spec wise rather than the Jet 18". The G0513 comparative advantages to the Jet 16/18 : blade tension release (works great); 2HP 220V motor; two dust ports (works well); superior fence; urethane tires; stiffer frame; 12" resaw capacity; tracking window; wheel brushes; price. Jet advantages: better guide wheels on the new 18"; 18" trunnion design.

Jay and I both had problems with table flatness - Grizzly replaced both the table and trunnion assembly and I believe is machining the trunnions a bit differently now. The saw is vibration free, quiet and tracks flawlessly. The wheel and tire run out on my machine is <.001" and the table is now flat. The saw is fantastic and I would buy it again. I also bought the Shop Fox mobile base and it works very well - except before placing the saw on the base put a piece of plywood in the base to raise the bottom saw door above the mobile base wheel.

Jim Engel
05-13-2003, 10:28 PM
I was in exactly the same situation.

Looking and looking at a delta or Jet fourteen inch,
but when you add in the riser block the price is about
the same as the Grizzley G0513.

Seemed to be too good to be true, but I finally
went with the Grizzley.

I am very pleased with the Grizzley and find that
it makes woodworking a lot easier and a lot safer.

I made a higher fence by cutting a formica sink cut out
in half and gluing the two halves back to back for
stability, slickness and rigidity. Attached it to the regular
fence with a bracket set up, put a spring clamp to hold
the other end of the fence for rigidity and it resaws like
a dream.

If you follow up on this, look for a cut out with the slick
formica. Around here it will cost you a whole dollar.

Of course my old band saw is a Craftsman 12 inch, and trying
to resaw with that was a really frustrating experience. Just
not enough power, and not enough spring tension to make
it really work.

I am sure that the Jet and Delta 14 inch saws are good units,
but it seems to me that the 17 inch Grizzley is set up from the
ground up to to excellent resaw work, and if that is your
primary objective you really ought to give it serious consideration.

Joe Pack
05-13-2003, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the input.

Jim, my case is exactly yours...my inherited Craftsman 12" just doesn't make it. Poor cut, rattles/clanks I can't find and enough noise to wake the dead.

I think all I have to do now is see it first-hand when I visit WA on vacation in a few weeks.

Thanks again to everyone.

Jim Engel
05-14-2003, 8:27 AM
Think of it this way: You will have two new tools
instead of one.

The old Craftsman band saws are really excellent
for light duty work. Your new Griz will be the resaw
machine and the Craftsman can sit there with a
quarter inch or eighth inch blade for cutting a curve on
a panel or any of the other more traditioal light
duty tasks.

Twenty years or more ago Craftsman was on the
whole pretty good stuff for the home user, and
my impression is that the non trade user usually
got ripped off on the Milwaukee, Delta and other
professional level tools.

The internet has changed the world, and mostly
for the better !

05-14-2003, 7:26 PM
Since the demise of the pond, I have thrown my G0513 Review on my webspace. It is here (http://patriot.net/~stpeter/woodworking/G0513%20Review.htm) . I did update it a little after the pond posting. Since the update, the saw is in storage until my new house is built, so nothing to add :(

Stan Smith
05-16-2003, 8:04 PM
I have a Jet 14" w/riser block. Have had it for a few years now. Never was able to get a 3/4" blade to work in it. Now I'm saving my pennies to get a mini-max 16mm. A friend has one and it's resawing capabilities are fantastic--virtually no saw marks. Also the stock fence can be adjusted for drift. Has a 4" dust port. Plenty of power, too. It will probably be about 6 mo. before I get the $$ saved up and I'm really looking forward to it.


Eldon Berg
05-18-2003, 2:03 PM
I went to the Grissly Tent sale in Bellingham yesterday planing on buying a G0555 if I didn't a scratched/dented one, which by the way there weren't any. I then took a look at the 17" G0513 and decided to put my wallet back and wait for more $ to accumulate in it. Overall it seemed much more substantial and the fit and finish was exceptional. Even my wife thought I should wait and get the 17" model, so who am I to complain.

There were lts of people and a few bargains to be had. I was only relived of $200 even though I ONLY waited in the rain for about 2 hrs to get in.
