View Full Version : Loss Of Whole

Michelle Rich
07-19-2013, 8:22 AM
This is an emotional piece. I was compelled to make this, & I don't care if it is artful, or ugly, lousy or good. Years ago I made a piece that was an attempt to express my feelings on disability. folks liked it and many said they got a good idea from it, as to what I was attempting to convey. This one is much different, but still is a statement piece and no attempt to be graceful, or artworthy. I call it "gut art" :D
Hope at least it entertains on some level

Dave Fritz
07-19-2013, 9:09 AM
It works for me, I like it.

Dave F.

charlie knighton
07-19-2013, 11:08 AM
very nice , i take it is lucky?

Doug Herzberg
07-19-2013, 5:56 PM
Michelle, I like it and I think it it artistic. I would not have gotten the message, even with the title, without some other context. One sentence from your description was enough. If it was in a show related to disability or a benefit, even that wouldn't be needed. But then, I can be pretty dense.

It doesn't look round. Was your lathe involved in its making? Is it stone at the ends or wood? Thanks for posting.

Michelle Rich
07-19-2013, 6:59 PM
Hi Doug..thanks so much for your comments. they are appreciated. yes it was turned on the lathe and then used the bandsaw to cut out parts. The 4 dark ends are mangled walnut. The "body" is maple carved & airbrushed. The picture does not show the muted colors too well.

robert baccus
07-19-2013, 11:25 PM
Maybe an Egyptian neck piece--maybe gold leaf--nice yeah.

Brian Kent
07-19-2013, 11:46 PM
Beautiful piece, Michelle. I look in nature and see that God loves the beautiful tree with a huge branch fallen long ago. I made a chalice that was worth scrapping 3 or 4 times. Each time I repaired, replaced, and kept going. I gave it to a friend as a communion chalice for his ministry with mentally disabled adults. No matter how many times it has needed repair, it still holds the communion wine.

Lee Koepke
07-20-2013, 8:22 AM
I do enjoy looking at your work Michelle. For me, its beyond the technical part, you have one of the better abilities to express something. You have a special talent and I appreciate you sharing!

Dan Hintz
07-20-2013, 11:09 AM
I look at a piece and try to ignore any story associated with it... because at the end of the day, I'm going to forget the story. If I can appreciate a piece without the story, it's a good piece, IMO. I appreciate this one. I like it, as in "I'd buy this if I had a place to put it." It's unique, which always attracts my attention. The end pieces look like quarried stone, but maybe that's just the light.