View Full Version : A Must read - LDA [Low Dose Allergen Treatment] for Wood allergies

Roger Chandler
07-18-2013, 11:11 AM
I ran across this .pdf on the AAW site. It is great info for turners in that it addresses a new therapy for wood dust allergens.....called Low Dose Allergen Treatment.

In my opinion this information is good to have as a reference just in case you might ever find yourself experiencing an unexpected reaction and could assist in helping your doctor in finding some treatment options for you.


Steve Busey
07-18-2013, 12:25 PM
Good info, Roger. Thanks for posting. Hoping I never need this, but glad to know there's an option.

Paul Singer
07-18-2013, 12:56 PM
After reading this and other accounts of respiratory problems related to woodturning plus the dangers of getting hit with flying objects ejected from turnings i think sky diving may be one of many safer hobbies. I love to turn but sometimes I wonder if it is worth it. You take all of the precautions and now i have to worry about dust being absorbed by the skin. WOW

Jim Underwood
07-19-2013, 2:34 PM
Seems like someone who was going through this treatment posted here about a year ago...

Jim Underwood
07-19-2013, 2:37 PM
Whoops.. It was me. Short memory. I was posting about Bud Latven getting this treatment and was relieved of symptoms:
