View Full Version : Delta/Rockwell Model 10 table saw blade guard

Charlie Fox
07-18-2013, 11:07 AM
someone told me a while back where i could get a blade guard for this saw, but i cant find the post now. it was an online link. caqn anyone tell me where i can get this? i think it was about $100....

Bill Huber
07-18-2013, 12:16 PM
someone told me a while back where i could get a blade guard for this saw, but i cant find the post now. it was an online link. caqn anyone tell me where i can get this? i think it was about $100....

Did you try Ereplacement Parts, they have a lot of parts for a lot of things.


Bob Vallaster
07-18-2013, 2:35 PM
Bill mentioned a good one.
I have also been satisfied with an eBay seller named "tools-rule" as a source of NOS parts for various machines; you can search the auction site for the seller's name. His inventory varies over time is less extensive than ereplacements, but he has had some of everything over the years... His online store shows no items listed just now (usually runs several pages) and there is a notice that he's out 'til 29 July. If you don't find one before that, give him a try when he resumes listing.


Chris Noponen
07-24-2013, 11:27 AM
For those that are not aware, getting Delta/Rockwell parts from the factory is difficult if not impossible. We have run into several machines we have serviced that have difficulties getting common parts that wear out. It was explained to us that Delta was sold to a company in China, and they are limiting or eliminating spare parts for the Delta/Rockwell machines. It really puts our customers in a bind when there machine goes down and we cant find parts. They are forced to purchase another machine in some instances. I have also found Ebay a good source for some of these wearable items. You can also search auction websites for some of these machines, however beware the condition. You may find it not much better/worse than what you have. It could be a good idea for getting spare parts from one machine to keep your other one going.