View Full Version : Keeton at JCC

Steve Schlumpf
07-10-2013, 1:53 PM
I love it when friends get to do really cool things in turning and I just found out that John Keeton has been accepted as an instructor at the John C. Campbell Folk School this coming March! Congrats John! Best of luck with your class!

For anyone wishing to check out the official school schedule, click here (https://classes.folkschool.org/class_details.aspx?pk=16327).

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2013, 1:58 PM
Is this John "I want to buy a lathe because I want to turn legs for my flatwork....I am not artsy" Keeton you are talking about?

What a feather in his cap!

Congratulations my friend!

Scott Hackler
07-10-2013, 2:50 PM
Congrats John. Looks like your already planning your retirement days! :)

John M. Smith
07-10-2013, 3:05 PM
Man I wish I could go to this!! That will be one lucky class Mr. Keeton.

Rick Markham
07-10-2013, 3:31 PM
Congrats John, that's awesome news. I'm gonna have to make a trip and learn a thing or two!

charlie knighton
07-10-2013, 4:24 PM
congratulations, and enjoy

Doug Herzberg
07-10-2013, 5:36 PM
Will there be math? Ogees on graph paper? Congratulations. Well deserved.

John Keeton
07-10-2013, 6:01 PM
Will there be math? Ogees on graph paper?Doug, have you been looking at my class notes???:D

Thanks for all the congrats, and, yes Scott, I am going to enjoy retirement! Just a few short months to go. Ken, I laugh every time you comment on the table legs! Had I only known...... oh, what a fun ride it has been.

Pete Jordan
07-10-2013, 6:12 PM
Way to go John!

I sure you class will be a ton of fun!

Rich Aldrich
07-10-2013, 8:23 PM
Congrats John. It is great to do something you enjoy and get paid for it. You definitely have the talent, even though you arent artsy.....

Greg Just
07-10-2013, 9:57 PM
Congratulations John - I'm sure it will be an enjoyable class and wish I could be there.

Bruce Page
07-10-2013, 10:00 PM
Congrats John! We still miss you in the flat world.

Bob Bergstrom
07-10-2013, 11:23 PM
Couldn't happen to a better turner. Congrats John. Enjoy it all.

Steven Green
07-11-2013, 12:27 AM
I took a class at Campbell last year. I think I recall ten lathes for the students I wonder if we can fill the class from the Creek? Wouldn't that be a barrel of fun

Steve Busey
07-11-2013, 7:05 AM
Congrats, John - what a great addition to their teaching team! I was just salivating over the JCC course offerings last weekend. I already know two class acts who teach there, now it will be three!

Harvey Ghesser
07-11-2013, 5:03 PM
Congratulations, John. Yes, you will enjoy retirement. :D

Alan Trout
07-11-2013, 9:30 PM
Cool deal John, It should be a good time for you and your students

Allan Ferguson
07-12-2013, 6:11 PM
I enjoy teaching most anything I am up on and I bet that you will to. Allan.

Lee Koepke
07-13-2013, 9:22 PM
I have been looking at classes there for a few years now and (until now) havent seen one that jumps out at me as something I could take a week off work for. I will seriously consider this class. Its real convenient for me since my folks live about 15 minutes from there!!!!

John Keeton
07-13-2013, 10:28 PM
Thanks, all, for the kind words, and Lee, I hope you can make it.

ray hampton
07-14-2013, 2:45 PM
Congrats , John

James Combs
07-14-2013, 9:51 PM
Way to go John but what the heck is JCC?:D
Edit: or rather "Who the...."

Thom Sturgill
07-15-2013, 7:14 AM
Way to go John but what the heck is JCC?:D
Edit: or rather "Who the...."

John C Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC. John is teaching 'Hollow Forms Made Easy' in March

Lee Koepke
07-17-2013, 3:56 PM
Thanks, all, for the kind words, and Lee, I hope you can make it.
ut-oh ---- I just remembered that week will be my 10th anniversary with the LOML.

So, how do I break it to her that I'd want to spend 5 days turning hollow forms / ogee bowls :confused:

John Keeton
07-17-2013, 4:08 PM
Would it help if I bought her some flowers and sent a card?!?!:rolleyes: I do understand. For many years in KY, archery season for deer opened on October 1 - our wedding anniversary. Fortunately, we had "pre-marital" understandings about that situation. Now, opening day is much earlier in September.

You realize, of course, that your wife can go, too? Ms. Keeton will be taking a cooking course that week. Great place for a couples getaway.