View Full Version : Walnut HF

Glenn Hodges
05-23-2005, 10:16 AM
This walnut hollowform is the first time for me. I had seen pictures of these and wanted to try one. There are small cracks in the piths area on the sides which I glued up as soon as they appeared. This log was given to me at the April meeting of the N. Fla Woodturners meeting. It is 7.5 inches wide and 7.75 inches tall. It is finished with the tung oil solution and buffed. I found this one to be a challenge for me, as always your comments are welcome.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-23-2005, 10:20 AM
Glenn.....I don't know if the English language has a word to adequately describe that thing..... BEAUTIFUL!

I like the form, the contrasting colors and the grain.....I JUST LIKE IT!

John Miliunas
05-23-2005, 11:04 AM
Holy smokes, Glenn! That is just way, WAY out there!:) Simply beautiful. Not only well executed, but you have vision. Don't know that I would've "seen" something like that coming out of the blank. Wonderful how the same piece of wood has so many striking contrasts. And how in the world did you finish the bottom of that piece??? Great job, Glenn!!! I'd have to say that's an award winner!:) :cool:

Jeff Sudmeier
05-23-2005, 11:05 AM

That is simply amazing! One of the best turnings ever posted here, IMHO!!

You have done this hunk of wood proud...

WOW WOW WOW! You need to submit that to be judged somewhere...

Charles Hans
05-23-2005, 11:39 AM
Glenn, I must agree with the others, that is absolutely beautiful. You turned a great form form a fine piece of wood."You Rule"!Chuck Hans

Dave Brandt
05-23-2005, 1:10 PM
That piece belongs in a museum or similar display! Just Fantastic!!

Carole Valentine
05-23-2005, 2:02 PM
Wait a minute...this is your FIRST hollow form, or your first natural edge hollow form? Either way, it is incredible, but if it is your first hollow form, we need to ship you back to the planet you came from because you can't be human!!!!:D
Magnificent piece! What is the little collar made from?

John Hart
05-23-2005, 3:09 PM
Glenn...I opened this thread and I was just awestruck. I didn't even read what you had to say for a long time. That is piece is magnificent. You say it is walnut but it has a very non-walnut appearance. Can you 'splain this to us?

Definitely belongs in a public place!

Ron Journeau
05-23-2005, 3:12 PM
If ever someone would ask me why I got interested in turning,I now have the answer. All I have to do is show them your photo, and they will understand. As a newbie, I stand in awe of your work, and now have something to shoot for when I grow up

Loy Hawes
05-23-2005, 3:17 PM
That should be a centerfold in a certain magazine. Very Nice.
Can we see more pics?

Glenn Hodges
05-23-2005, 5:39 PM
Thanks for all the nice comments. This piece was done endgrain from a single log, and this made it difficult for me. Carole, I have done lots of hollow forms in the past, but never one with this design. I have seen a few, and always admired them. Infact it took me a long time to figure out how they did them. I finally jumped in and did this one. I reversed turned this one as I do all my bowls, I have a piece of pvc which is mounted on the lathe with a Stronghold chuck, this is used with pressure from the tailstock to hold the piece on the lathe. I use thick mouse pads between the pvc and the top of the piece, the center of the bottom of the piece is held with the tailstock revolving center. I will post a picture if you would like the next time I am doing this (probably do about 3 tomorrow). I reread my description, and realized I don't do a good job describing what I do. Here is another picture of the walnut hollowform.

Gary Max
05-23-2005, 6:39 PM
Glenn that is just the coolest. I might just to have to hang that pic in my shop.
Thanks for posting this---great job

Michael Stafford
05-23-2005, 7:24 PM
Spectacular, Glenn and very beautiful, striking! An eye catching piece and I am so glad you took the time to explain it better. I am sure I cannot do that kind of work. Thanks for sharing!!! :)

Ernie Nyvall
05-23-2005, 7:51 PM
Glenn, I have questions coming to me all at the same time, but am dumbfounded to ask them. You have highlighted every contrasting color in the wood with the form. I mean the neck looks like copper!!! Endgrain with a natural edge? A finish that, no not shines, but glows as though light is trapped and is bouncing around in the wood. Some pictures are worth a thousand words, well this one begs a book.

Thank you for sharing,


Carole Valentine
05-23-2005, 8:18 PM
Glenn, please post some more pics. That piece takes my breath away. Someday, if I live long enough...nah, I'll probably never reach that level!:(

Harry Pye
05-23-2005, 9:37 PM
Really beautiful. The wood really lights up. This is truly the definition of chatoyance.

Jim Ketron
05-23-2005, 10:18 PM
Glenn that is awesome buddy!

you do some nice work!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
05-23-2005, 10:21 PM
Of copurse you will, Carole. Look at the progress you have made already. Glenn has much more time and experience under his belt and he has the courage to attempt the next step. Great job, Glenn. I am interested in seeing your method of chucking and the order in whcih you turned the outer form.

Jim Becker
05-23-2005, 11:01 PM
Outstanding, Glenn.

Carole Valentine
05-23-2005, 11:24 PM
I keep coming back to look at this piece! It looks like it is lit from within, or else it is made from gold and copper! Sure would like to see a 360 view. I knew Pam would jump all over that one for the cover photo at WOW.:)