View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-08-2013, 8:02 AM
8 Jul 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
I come off oncall duty this morning and I will have a couple of days off from work as well. I will spend those 2 days working on more renovations to the house that we have been doing for the past 2 months. I will be nice when it's all done, but in my own mind, the light at the end of the tunnel keeps moving further away. Every time I turn around there is something else that needs to be done "before" I can put new flooring down or new door casings in. This has been a real stretch for me mentally and physically. I think the emotional part is sneaking up on me because my frustration level is starting to build because this is taking so long. :)

Well, that's all for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
07-08-2013, 8:24 AM
I ended up working over our summer shutown. Friday and Saturday were busy trying to finish a project I am entering in a competition. I got it done and the entry form submitted. Now I need to get accepted into the competition (I hope). Saturday the power went out and it may have killed our plasma. After the plumbing leak last week, I was hoping to have things go well when I was oout of town.

Sunday, I flew to Shanghai for another long week...

Matt Meiser
07-08-2013, 9:10 AM
I got a little time in my shop. Spent a little time Thursday getting a little straightening done, Friday morning a friend came over to look at my bandsaw since he's thinking of getting one and I did some welding for him. And I was out there several times Sunday getting tools I needed for replacing the leaky shower drain in our master bath. THAT was a fun job. Open to the basement below...except that the main HVAC trunk runs right under it, and they cut the hole in the subfloor off-center which made accessing the giant nut about impossible. Luckily I was able to get it out, then the multimaster came to the rescue enlarging the hole for better clearance for reinstallation, and if it ever needs repair in the future.

Mom less-than-subtlety hinted that I really need to get going on their cabinets, minimally at least the laundry room ones since its seriously unfinsihed looking right now. I guess the GC (who's been there several times to "meet" with the HVAC contractor over HVAC issues) keeps asking too. I told her to ask him about a house he's been rehabbing for 2 years (we teased each other a lot during their project.) :D

Frederick Skelly
07-08-2013, 9:35 PM
Built a couple small boxes and some clamps to assemble them. Even got to use my new LN Block Plane.

The boxes are simple, but nice. One came from a gorgeous piece of pine. It just couldnt have prettier grain. The other from poplar. ( I have now convinced myself that dyeing poplar in a mahogany color looks pretty ugly. Good thing I used scrap for the test. Yuck!)

My clamps are useful but can definitely stand some improvement. Ill make changes and try them out on another simple box project.

All in all, it was a very good weekend in the shop.


Ken Fitzgerald
07-08-2013, 10:16 PM
Yard work on Saturday.

Sunday afternoon, I set tile in the main bathroom of our oldest son's home. We have a lot more tile to set.