View Full Version : No Switch Required..... Human Powered Lathe!

Frank Trinkle
07-07-2013, 2:53 AM
The family spent yesterday at a Bi-Annual Medieval Festival under one of the famous castle ruins on the Mosel River here in Germany. Lots of really neat stuff there, but for you turners, here's the way they did it in the old days. Fortunately, I took these photos BEFORE I started sampling the various Meads they had on hand.:D

Foot Powered.


John Keeton
07-07-2013, 6:35 AM
Neat pics, Frank! We have a fellow in our turning club that uses a springpole lathe. 10 minutes on that thing is a workout.

charlie knighton
07-07-2013, 8:41 AM
good to see someone using old techknoledgely, but i like 1.5 hp with a flip of a switch, also like hot water on demand

Allan Ferguson
07-07-2013, 9:29 AM
I have my first lathe leaning into a corner of the shop. It is a spring pole lathe. I made nine rolling pins with it. They are a real workout on old joints and muscles.