View Full Version : Final Polish for Shellac?

Mike Allen1010
06-29-2013, 1:30 PM
I'm building a Pennsylvania spice box in walnut.

I initially finished with an oil /varnish Mix sanded with 600 grit sandpaper and subsequently have applied 4 coats of 1 pound cut shellac -- the first one brushed and the rest padded on.

Normally I would use some 000 steel wool and paste wax for the last step. I would like a fairly high gloss finish and was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions?

Any and all advice is much appreciated!


All the best Mike

Eric Thumb
06-29-2013, 10:12 PM
I have no advice for you but I will be tagging along to find out any suggestions.

Paul R Miller
07-01-2013, 5:25 AM
You're already padding on shellac. Seems the logical finish would be French polish. It's my preferred finish and has a very high gloss.

Jerry Olexa
07-18-2013, 12:35 PM
yes, padding shellac would be the next logical step if you want a glossier look....in end you are using almost all DA on pad to get the glossy look as you blend/polish.....At that point you are near French Polishing... I use your same general regimen when I finish walnut but do not use varnish under shellac...straight oil then shellac then varnish as topcoat if needed...BTW, beautiful work and results...Is that a Glen Huey idea/plan?

Jerry Olexa
07-18-2013, 1:16 PM

This is a completed toy/blanket chest I built a few years ago...Used Walnut and finished with BLO, padded shellac top (no sanding) and achieved, I think, a fairly glossy look.HTH:)

Dave Fairfax
07-19-2013, 5:03 PM

That is the exact look I am going for with some finishing I will be doing soon, can you give me some more info on how you got such a warm hue/color and how you did it, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
