View Full Version : What are your shop rules?

Ron Jones near Indy
05-21-2005, 9:27 PM
I would like to see what you have for “shop rules” posted in your shop. What kind of rules? How about rules for borrowing tools, hanging out, food in the shop, drinks (of all kinds) in the shop, children in the shop, pets in the shop, machine operation, hand tools, bothering the proprietor, language, just touching and messing around with things, doing work for friends and/or relatives, rules for hobby shops, and rules for pro shops? What others can you think of?

I have seen listings of shop rules and foolishly didn’t save them. I remember many of them were quite appropriate. Some were intended to bring a smile to the reader. Even some of them seemed a little extreme, but hey, it’s your shop!

I’ll start things off, but I only have one and it’s primarily for me:

T H I N K F I R S T !

Dale Thompson
05-21-2005, 10:59 PM

I don't have any "posted" rules in my shop. That is primarily because the only friend I have can't read and I can't write. We make a good pair! :)

My only shop rule is a paraphrase of a Yogi Berra "gem". "I never waste money on expensive luggage because I only use it when I travel!" ;) That guy is a genius so I followed his philosophy. "I never waste money on expensive woodworking tools because I only use them when I am working with wood!" :cool: :rolleyes: :)

I hope that this helps. :)

Dale T.

Steve Stube
05-21-2005, 11:10 PM
A laminated copy of these hang on my shop door.


Nick Mitchell
05-21-2005, 11:19 PM
I have no rules, just guidelines. My shop is a place of business so it's probably a bit more lax than you guys.

-None of my tools leave my shop unless I take them
-If you want to use any of my stationary tools, I charge you by the hour at my shop rate, minimum 1 hour charge
-buddies can hang out after hours
-no children EVER!!
-no phones
-food is fine, drinks are fine just not on the machines
-pets are fine anytime, they're much better company than humans
-swear all you want, doesn't bother me (see no children EVER)
-touch anything you want but if you break it you own it and if you cut yourself don't expect me to feel sorry for you
-no talking or bothering me when I'm running any machine
-alcohol is allowed after hours and only after all machines are UNPLUGGED
-and the number 1 guideline for my shop: If you're a salesman and don't have an appointment, don't expect to get in


John Keane
05-21-2005, 11:40 PM
I love it!!!

Safety first
No alcohol before or during operating hours.
These are my tools and my garage.
We either do it my way or we don't do it.
You and your suggestions are welcome.
Your direction is neither required nor desired unless your a master woodworker.
I don't want to see any child hurt, so please leave them at home.

Keith Christopher
05-22-2005, 12:11 AM
Work safe.
Put it back where you found it.
Touch nothing without asking first
No one touches a power tool except me or with my permission.

This is not a rule but I saw it somewhere and liked it.

"If you love something you are no judge of it's value or beauty."
--author unknown

The last one keeps me in check with things I build.


Bart Leetch
05-22-2005, 12:49 AM

1. I am the Lord & Master here, let no strangers enter.

2. Thou shalt not take my name in vain if I refuse to do a job.

3.Remember I don't work on Sundays.

4. Honor my Tantrums.

5. Thou shalt not borrow my tools.

6. Thou shalt not touch my mess.

7. Thou shalt not commit alterations of my work.

8. Thou shalt not bear false criticisms of my work.

9.Thou shalt not covet my shop.

10. Thou shalt not covet my workshop tools.

11. Thou shalt not smoke in my shop.

12. Thou shalt not drink alcohol of any kind in my shop.



15. All hand held electric tools shall be set on the floor when plugged
in & not in use because that is where they will end up anyway
once someones foot gets tangled in the cord.

Rob Littleton
05-22-2005, 12:50 AM
My unwritten rules:

If you open it, close it
If you break it, own up to it
If it aint broke, dont fix it
If you turn it on, turn it off
Gods name is used only for praise ( I love this one )
No alcohol !
Please dont ask to borrow a tool as a smack upside the head often offends :-)
Sure you can use my shop, leave it as you found it or cleaner.

My written and posted 10 commandments go like this.

1. Jesus is the master of this house and shop, let no strangers enter
2. Thou shalt not take my name in if I refuse to do a job
3. Remember, I dont work sundays
4. Honor my tantrums
5. Thou shalt not borrow my tools
6. Thou shalt not touch my mess
7.Thou shalt not commit alterations to my work
8. Thou shalt not bear false critisicisms of my work
9. Thou shalt not covet my workshop
10. Thou shalt not covet my workshop tools

I cant take credit for the commandments as I saw them on an old turner friend of mine wall and loved them.......

Rob Littleton
05-22-2005, 12:51 AM
Thats funny Bart, you saw them too huh :-)

LOL !!!!!!!

scott spencer
05-22-2005, 6:52 AM
- I don't scream when things go wrong unless I lop off a finger
- no screaming to get my attention during a cut (so I don't lop off a finger)
- restrain your dogs/pets during a cut (so I don't lop off a finger)
- stay away from the tools unless I'm home or you have permission
- curse quietly :D

Andy London
05-22-2005, 7:08 AM
Shop safety however my #1 rule is I do not lend or let other use my tools, exception is my son and folks that I meet at these forums. Basically if I feel the visitor has a farily good and safe knowledge of woodworking, then the door is open.

Put things back and clean up your mess at the end of the day, my son is pretty good at this unless he has been at the lathe for hours, then it can be a chore.

No smoking in the shop, I've had a couple of scares from clients who flicked their ashes at will. No food and the only time I allow anyone in there with a beer would be if I am done for the day....this used to be a bit of an issue as we are a social bunch, I enjoy a beer but it takes me a yesr to get through a case :D

Turn the alarm on at the end of the day, psoted in big letters.

Check the first aid kit once a year at least, change the eye flush bottle once a year and have all the fire ext. checked.

I have my alarm setup up with a panic that will sound the alarm and call the monitoring station, there is a button I can push on my belt, I test this every 6 months. I also have an air fog horn that I test every 6 months or so, family knows if there hear it, there is problems.

I don't bring customers to the shop, maybe once or twice a year. Although I have a great security system, I don't want a bunch of strangers coming through...it has taken me all my life to get what I have and the thoughts of someone stealing it makes me cringe.

Probably others but that is about it.


Kirk (KC) Constable
05-22-2005, 7:16 AM
No smoking in the shop, I've had a couple of scares from clients who flicked their ashes at will...

Hmmm. You've seen pictures of my shop when it was a total disaster...which it has been for years until last week...and probably will be again... :( but I've always smoked in there with no problems. Ashes aren't the problem...it's the part that's still burning. :eek:


Dale Rodabaugh
05-22-2005, 8:11 AM
I dont have to post any rules.Things are pretty well understood.If you want something cut I will cut it.Way too much $$$ invested in tools to have someone messing around with them.I do have two friends who can use anything in my shop,they use tools like they were their own.I can also use anything in their shops.That is the only exception.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Frank Pellow
05-22-2005, 8:12 AM
I have the following rules, but they are not posted.

1) Wear safety glasses when operating equipment (in my case, I have prescription safety glasses).

2) Wear earmuffs when operating loud equipment (anything louder than my battery powered drill).

3)Wear heavy toed (steel or, at least, hard leather) shoes when working with heavy objects.

4) Unplug every tool after using it.

5) Wear short sleeves when operating equipment.

6) Put away every tool or object after it has been used.

7) Put away 5 things every morning when I enter the shop (that's because I am not as good as I should be with rule 6).

8) Measure twice, cut once.

9) Stop and think before any operation with the more dangerous equipment (e.g. table saw and jointer). A big part of this is to think through when and how to use safety devices such as push sticks. This rule applies even if this is a repetitive operation -that's when I have found myself getting careless in the past.

10) Always be thinking about better ways to do things and better ways to set up the shop.

Phil Phelps
05-22-2005, 8:19 AM
Leave It Alone !

John Dingman
05-22-2005, 9:18 AM
Shop Rules:

I really don't need any as the purpose of me having a shop is so I can be alone and have some peace and quiet :D

Seriously though, I don't have any written rules but I do have some unwritten rules.

I don't ask anyone to borrow their tools, and I appreciate the fact that no one asks to borrow mine. If the use of a tool is offered that's a different story.

I work ALONE and I like it like that. I don't work well with someone looking over my shoulder. The only exception to this is the LOML ;)

If someone wants to use the shop and I trust them, I will allow it but I will be watching them as I have invested a lot of hard work and money to make the shop a place that is enjoyable and productive. If they can't handle me telling them not to do something a certain way with my shop equipment then they shouldn't ask to use it.

and the #1 unwritten rule....

"If you stop by to visit, bring the coffee with you!" :D :D


Jim Becker
05-22-2005, 9:26 AM
No rules "hanging" in my shop...I work alone. But when I do have visitors and tools are to be used, safety glasses are passed out and required. Quite obviously, I'll need to insitute some more formal rules once the boys join the family, but initially it will be "off limits" due to age I suspect.

I generally don't lend tools, so there are no rules needed. I can think of only about four people I'd lend to anyway and would have no worries about it...Dr. SWMBO included.

Steve Cox
05-22-2005, 10:02 AM
No posted rules but safety glasses are worn (prescription for me). Ear protection will be worn if machinery is running. Don't bother me if I'm running machinery and (this to my wife) KEEP MY SON UNDER CONSTANT OBSERVATION INSIDE WHEN I'M RUNNING MACHINERY! :eek: He is 20 mos old and loves to walk out into the shop and since the door is behind me when I'm at the tablesaw he scares the tar out of me (I'd use stronger words but rules are rules :) ) I have one neighbor who is also a woodworker I would loan tools too since I occasionally need to borrow one also.

Allen Bookout
05-22-2005, 11:21 AM
There is only one sign in my wookshop and it was given to me by a friend. It says: "THIS IS A WORK-FREE SMOKE PLACE". As you can tell I am one of the minorities. However - I do not drink alcohol or do drugs if that counts for anything.

mike malone
05-22-2005, 11:49 AM
Like Phil said!

and if you have a beverage in your hand...keep it there. Don't EVER put it down, especially on a machine!!!!!!

I've restored many macines and there is usually a telltale spot or two where some idiot placed a cold soda or beer can on top of the cast iron. These circular rust spots are real hard to remove and many times leave a black ring forever.


Jeff Sudmeier
05-22-2005, 4:51 PM
No rules posted.

However, my personal rule is no alcohol in the shop. I have some neighbors that REALLY like to drink, so it is just best to say it's not allowed ever :)

Steve Ash
05-22-2005, 7:37 PM
I don't like anyone to smoke or chew (snuff) in my shop.....the great outdoors is just a few feet out the front door, they can do it there. I also don't like muddy shoes/boots coming in and dropping mud on my floor. I have several employees (I'm a building contractor/residential) and the shop is a nice place to meet in the morning for coffee and talk about the work ahead. They know the rules and obey them. I have a refrigerator with cold beer and pop in it but it (beer) is never allowed until after work and then only a couple on Fridays.
As far as tools go...I never loan them, but a couple of the guys will make projects after hours using my tools but I'm always somewhere close. And if they do use them they are always to be put back where they got them.
I don't have these rules posted anywhere in sight....I think I have just made it clear to anyone spending any amount of time in my shop.

Jim Hager
05-22-2005, 7:45 PM
that say NO SMOKING!!!!!!!! Flammables may be in use.

and another one that says. Thanks for not asking to borrow my tools, it saves me the embarassment of having to say no!!!!!!!

You'd be surprised what people around here will try to borrow. Had one guy not too long ago wanted to borrow my tractor. I'd rather loan out my truck.

Silas Smith
05-22-2005, 7:51 PM
I only have three basic rules for my shop

1. This is a shop, not the two car garage that you thought it was when we bought the house. That means no cars or storage for things in the house. (I finally got the Christmas tree out this year)

2. Safety glasses and a knowledge of how to use the machines are a must if you are going to use my tools. Since many of my tools are commercial quality, I don't worry about someone wearing them out, but I won't let you learn on them for that very reason.

3. Never never never try to get my attention when a machine is under power. My wife had to learn this lesson the hard way when she snuck up behind me when I was using the table saw on a narrow piece I was splitting. Now she waits patiently until the machine is off before talking to me.

Keith Hall
05-22-2005, 8:12 PM
I have only a few rules that will be posted as soon as the sign is painted.

1. Just because the door is open, DO NOT asume you are welcome. You are not.

2. Do not try to get my attention while I am working with shop tools.

3. To save embarrasement, do not ask to borrow my tools. However, I will sell you mine at my price.

4. Never start a conversation with "this will take just a couple of minutes".

5. If there is anything you don't understand about the above rules, GO AWAY.

I have more, but they have been covered in previous posts. :D :D

Allen Bookout
05-22-2005, 9:16 PM
Silas Smith, I tried your rule number one on my wife and she ask me to ask you how long you have been divorced. Don't blame me for the question, it's her fault. Allen

Mike Stanton
05-22-2005, 10:50 PM
Do not talk to me when i am using power tools.I will see you soon enought.I let a few people borrow tools but not many people.I will cut boards for people Kids mostly. They ask a lot sometimes.I don't let kids in shop they stay outside of door. Notposted tho.Mike

aurelio alarcon
05-23-2005, 3:24 AM
Shops not done yet. But when it is people can eat whatever, drink whatever, and smoke whatever (as long as it is grown and not manufactured synthetically) they want as long as it is outside. Tools are not loaned. So don't ask. No job is so small that it is free. Even favors will, at times, require reciprocity. If it itches, scratch it. Remember to flush. Eat your peas. Wear clean underware if at all possible. Wash behind the ears. And finally "say goodnight Juan ...er John."

Doug Shepard
05-23-2005, 8:45 AM
1A) NEVER drop what you're doing and do something for a freind or relative - it'll just encourage them. ALWAYS have some reason why you've got to get something else done before you can get to their little problem. I've got entirely too many freinds & relatives that had an annoying habit of dropping by un-announced with a piece or two of wood and needed "just a couple of cuts/holes/routed edges", etc.etc. Since I've implemented that little rule, I get a lot more calls a week or so ahead of time and can plan this junk out around whatever else I've got going on.

1B) If you insist on showing me how to do it, then go get your own tools and do it yourself.

1C) I'll do the work, but the broom and dustpan are hanging on the wall, and the shopvac is over there... That's my fee.

Rules 1A - 1C are what I call the freind/relative rules. B & C I tell them about. A is my little secret. It just encourages them to call ahead, otherwise they always find me "busy".

2) Don't even ask to use my power tools unless you're a very good looking woman and promise to work in the nude (safety glasses ARE allowed however). So far - no takers, so I guess this rule is working.

3) Don't say the "F" word in my shop (free) - see rule 1C. That's the minimum charge.

4) Don't say the "B" word in my shop (borrow).

5) Don't try to get my attention while I'm operating power tools.

6) My dog is welcome in my shop. My cat is welcome in my shop. Your dog is welcome in my shop. My Dog+Your Dog or My Cat+Your Dog are NOT welcome in my shop. Too much oppurtunity for horse play distracting me while using sharp thingies.

Ken Salisbury
05-23-2005, 8:54 AM
I do not have rules as such. I do have a small sign that says "If you value your life as much as I value what's in this shop, you won't mess with it" :D

Keith July
05-23-2005, 9:38 AM
I saw this sign in a car repair shop that read " I make my living with these tools so please don't ask to borrow them" The only tool that I will loan out is a book.


Perry Schmidt
05-23-2005, 7:35 PM
They're pretty simple:

1) As soon as you crack a beer, we're done in the shop.

2) You can't use any tools that are in the shop. (That was after my good woodworking hammers and screw drivers were used to break up rocks...we now have 'shed tools' which are fair game :)

3) You can't borrow the tools. (This was after the brother-in-law brought a good saw back after cutting something in the mud...dulled it right up.)

4) If you have a drink or something wet, leave it outside. (That was after I found 'coaster rust rings' on the table saw top b/c someone set a glass of water on it...)

There are exceptions, but if I start with these rules it's a lot easier :)


lou sansone
05-23-2005, 9:19 PM
I usually work alone, except for my student.

the simple rules are safety glasses and hearing protection when running most machines.

I don't make a living building furniture so if someone drops in to see me, I stop what I am doing and spend the time with them.

that is about it

Bart Leetch
05-24-2005, 1:01 AM
Shops not done yet. But when it is people can eat whatever, drink whatever, and smoke whatever (as long as it is grown and not manufactured synthetically) they want as long as it is outside. Tools are not loaned. So don't ask. No job is so small that it is free. Even favors will, at times, require reciprocity. If it itches, scratch it. Remember to flush. Eat your peas. Wear clean underware if at all possible. Wash behind the ears. And finally "say goodnight Juan ...er John."

Just couldn't resist "Say goodnight Gracie" George Burns :D

Mike Tempel
05-24-2005, 3:35 AM
I have all the usual safety and no alcohol rules - but like most mine are not posted. I feel that if my friends and neighbors have to be told the simple ones I close up as soon as I see them for their protection as well as mine. They are welcome to watch and listen but not to guide, offer advice/criticism, or generally bug me - after all they are visitors to the great Garaj Mahal and as such should treat it and the occupant with great respect.

That said I do have three rules that I follow and ask that visitors follow as well. They are fairly simple and very straight forward.
In order of importance as follows:
1.) Don't ask to borrow my tools.
2.) Don't ask to borrow my truck.
3.) Don't ask to borrow my wife.

Nuff said.

John Hart
05-24-2005, 7:11 AM
I really don't have any rules because I really don't have visitors. The door is closed when I'm working and no one may open that door if a machine is running. It's my cave and I like it like that.

Bill Lewis
05-24-2005, 10:47 AM
I really don't have any rules...and no one may open that door if a machine is running.That, my friend, is a rule;) albeit an uposted one, but a rule nonetheless.:)

I'm in the same boat, no posted rules, and verbal ones don't work (well maybe the "drinks on gray metal" one HAS gotten through). I'm just going to lock the door and close the blinds. :cool:

Ron Taylor
05-24-2005, 11:26 AM
I have never thought of "rules". And, I don't have very many visitors because my shop is my hobby, not a business even though I do work for pay from time to time. Nevertheless, other than my immediate family, there is seldom anyone around. As for those who do come around, they understand that the only rule is "This is Ron's shop. I built it for me. I work in it for me. Don't come in it and tell me what I did wrong, what I'm doing wrong, or what I'm going to do wrong".

Charlie Woods
05-24-2005, 11:19 PM
I have more rules for my shop at work, since it is an educational environment, but several rules/beliefs I have at both shops are:

1. Safety first, second, third etc......
2. Eyes and ears open, mouth closed. Silence is golden while machines are being used.
3. A Lack of planning on your part will not constitute an emergency on my part .
4. You can have you projects done, cheap, quick, well made: choose 2.
5. Don't tell me how to do my job in my shop, only Jesus Christ, the Master Craftsman and my wife does that.