View Full Version : First Plane Project

David Fried
05-21-2005, 1:41 PM
I found this plane at a garage sale this morning for 50 cents and couldn't resist. The cap and iron say Millers Falls and the body says Bailey No. 4.
It only has light rust, no cracks, and all the pieces seem to be there. The front knob is missing and the rear handle is broken.

I thought it was be a good candidate to try and learn how to clean, fix, and adjust a plane.

Wish me luck!

Steve Cox
05-21-2005, 1:54 PM
If I'm not mistaken it's a mixture of brands. The Millers Falls is obvious but the Bailey on the body makes that a Stanley. It'll probably work ok but just thought you might want to know.

David Fried
05-21-2005, 3:01 PM
Thanks Steve.

That's what I thought. I thought the 1,2,3,4 ... numbering scheme was Stanley and that Bailey screamed Stanley but I don't know enough to be sure so it's nice to hear.

The blade fits nicely in the mouth so think it will OK.

Just more character!

Chris Thompson
05-21-2005, 4:38 PM
And just to wildly overload you with information, other than the lever cap, it's a type 15 Stanley, manufactured in either 1931 or 1932.

Based on the type study (http://www.tooltrip.com/tooltrip8/stanley/stan-bpl/bailey-types.htm) :

Raised ring around the base of the knob means type 14 or newer.

BAILEY behind the knob, model number in front of it means 15 or newer

Lack of a raised rib at the toe means earlier than type 16.

Should come together nicely. I doubt there's any downside to using the MF lever cap. The length of the iron looks pretty good. Either make a new tote and knob, or get thee to Mike in Katy (http://pages.sbcglobal.net/mike_in_katy/PlaneWood/Default.htm) for something decadent like spalted tiger balsa.

You'd be amazed at how well these old stanleys come together. Just check the classifieds forum for pictures of Tery Hatfield's bedrocks for visual proof.

Spalted Tiger Balsa?

Bob Winkler
05-22-2005, 7:54 AM
You guys sure have better luck at tag sales than I do. All I ever find are baby clothes and toys.


David Fried
05-22-2005, 9:44 AM
You guys sure have better luck at tag sales than I do. All I ever find are baby clothes and toys.


They had that too! Then there were some of "Dad's tools". I scrtached my head over the number of jig saws and circular saws. They pointed out to me that most had the cords cut off. Seems when one died he cut the cord off and put it on the shelf. Parts?

I passed on the power tools.

David Fried
05-22-2005, 9:45 AM
You guys sure have better luck at tag sales than I do. All I ever find are baby clothes and toys.


They had that too! I think this is the first plane I've found I even considered taking home. Then there were some of "Dad's tools". I scrtached my head over the number of jig saws and circular saws. They pointed out to me that most had the cords cut off. Seems when one died he cut the cord off and put it on the shelf. Parts?

I passed on the power tools.