View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
06-24-2013, 7:46 AM
24 Jun 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
I think I missed posting the weekend accomplishment last week due to my son and I going on a motorcycle trip to the east coast. Due to issues with his bike, we had to turn around in central Alabama and come back home for repairs. We still had a good time, but we have certainly decided that we will do this again, but in a cooler part of the year. :)

This week, we've been working on the house. We have replacement windows in now, a new A/C-heat unit installed, duct work repaired/replaced, interior trim, casings, installed, all priming and painting is now done, master bath wall remodel is done with the newly framed up window installed, new blinds installed in the master and hall bath. The boys and I have started installing the new flooring and my tile guy called last night and said that he could get to my hearth rebuild either late today or first thing tomorrow morning. Once the tile work is done, then the boys and I will get busy with the flooring once again.

The other benefit of this past week/weekend is that I've been off work from the day job and we've been able to get a LOT done. :)

Well, that it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend.??

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2013, 7:52 AM
I am on vacation in the Norfolk area. Spent the weekend babysitting the twin 3 year old granddaughters and the 11 month old grandson. Was hoping to see Keith but it's probably not going to happen this trip.

With our youngest son, his family, our oldest grandson and his family in the area, we will return! Both the son and grandson are in the US Navy. I will get to meet Keith when we are in the area on a future trip.

Matt Meiser
06-24-2013, 9:08 AM
Shop? I finished up the bulk of the development work on a project a few weeks back working long hours to meet deadlines that only moved slightly despite additional scope. Then it was off to the Norfolk area for the startup, where I too didn't get to see Keith. We darted out of there 18 hours early due to the foretasted tropical storm and I got home, caught up on yard work and a few things at work, then prepared for and left on a 9-day, 1500 mile vacation mostly to visit family in Kansas City. We spent a couple days in Iowa visiting some sights between Moline, IL and Des Moines on the way and a couple days in St. Louis visiting more family (and lunch with my boss) on the way back. Came home to a bunch of down branches, shaggy looking lawn, and a very weedy garden so I've got my work cut out for me this week again, plus work requests that could keep me traveling much of July. If I can ever get caught up, I'll be starting on my parents master bath and laundry cabinetry and LOMLjr has a couple small projects for me.

Joe Mioux
06-24-2013, 9:26 AM
Varnishing my Big Green Egg table.

Gregory King
06-24-2013, 9:40 AM
Wife and I have been working on the closet shelving in the new home. Daughter graduated from university[Masters Ed], so this was our grad gift to them. In fact all of the closet spacing is our plan. Made some adjustable shelving for two units. Didn't test fit before painting and made my cut-outs too tight. Found out last night that I have to alter. Probably an hours work to redo. Oh well, at least they are not too short. Greg

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2013, 10:26 AM
Oh well, at least they are not too short. Greg

Those board stretchers are in short supply and high demand!

Congratulations on the grad, Dad!

Shawn Pixley
06-24-2013, 10:48 AM
A very different weekend for us. I have been working 60-75 hour weeks. Friday was a bit of a tough day. My boss (& friend) informed me that he has prostate cancer. I'll have to take on his work for a month or two (and that the good scenario). I am concerened for him. My grandmother is also declining and doesn't recognize any of us anymore.

We did the required dog thingss. We were getting a quote on Solar (PV) for the house. Later Saturday I put together some "Canvases" for my wife and a few friends. They are going to do some encaustic paintings later this week. They weren't artists canvases in the tradition sense (1/4" ply on 1x2 strechers). My wife glued them up while I cut them out. I need to impress upon her the need for precision in glue-ups since I now need to trim them a bit.

A neighbor seeing me work came and asked me to make some replacement handles for his fireplace doors. I fabricated them out of some scrap walnut I had laying around. It only took 15 minutes or so. I think I surprised them as to the speed - four angled cuts and some work with a plane.

Sunday we went to the Dwell Design convention in LA. We saw some nice work including a couple of woodworkers and the students from the Cerritos College program. It took a full six hours to go through the exhibition hall. It was fun. Back to work now. (I did squeeze in a couple of hours of work here and there over the weekend)

Jamie Lynch
06-24-2013, 11:35 AM
My Mother-in-law had her wedding Saturday, so naturally we had to spend all day at the churc getting everything ready. Sunday was spent repairing the riding mower and mowing the lawn. I made a little time for the shop and finished my wife's Anniversary gift, which was only a few days late.

Gordon Eyre
06-24-2013, 12:15 PM
Did my research and then placed my order for a new jointer. Very excited about that.

Doug Richardson
06-24-2013, 12:17 PM
Worked on installing baseboard in the living room on Saturday, and then Sunday, revisited my youth at a drum corps show.....

Joe Shinall
06-24-2013, 12:20 PM
I spent some of the weekend fixing my front door that was kicked in Wednesday and spent the rest of it cleaning up and trying to decipher what all was stolen and mapping out a new security camera install. Unfortunately, no shop time for me and no TV since both of mine were taken :rolleyes:

Hopefully this week will get to start on the neighbors cedar vanity I was suppose to start on this past Thursday.

Steve Keathley
06-24-2013, 2:32 PM
Got back from vacation Saturday afternoon and had a very productive day in the shop yesterday. I'm still setting it up, so most of my projects are internal to the shop. I first ducted a portable A/C to the outside of my shop. It was a freebie, so I thought I would try it. Kept the shop at a comfortable 76 with outside temps in the high 90's. Then I made some inserts for my new table saw. They turned out well. I now have a zero clearance, and a dado insert along with 5 spares for future use. Then I made all the initial cuts for a stand I am making for my mortiser and bench top disk/belt sander.

I got to spend some quality time with my new table saw (PM 64B), so it was a great day. I can't believe how much better it is than the Ryobi contractor saw I was using.

I do see the need for an air filtration system working in the shop with the doors closed. That one has moved up the list.