View Full Version : Potting table plans

Bill Grumbine
05-11-2003, 8:43 PM
Greetings all

SWMBO and I are in the midst of spring planting. Woodworking is fun, but sitting atop a diesel tractor dragging a plow through the soil has a satisfaction all its own. Anyway...

We are much more organized this year than in previous years, but one thing is lacking - a potting table. We don't do a whole bunch of potting plants, but in the spring, we are filling lots of flats with seeds, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or plans for an outdoor potting table which could be adapted to our needs.

Any ideas, pictures, or links are welcome, although the way things are going it might not be built until next year. But, if things go well this summer, we just might have some watermelons or canteloupes for the 5 Barns Picnic in August.



05-11-2003, 9:56 PM
Hi Bill,
I'm finnaly getting started on the gardening and flowers too. I'm gonna try to make it to the picnic this summer, I hope.

I have a bunch of links to potting benches and workbenches in my free plans sections that might be usefull, here it is.

gardening stuff plans (http://www.allwoodwork.com/freeplans/freegardenplans.htm)

I hope they are something your looking for.


Perry Schmidt
05-12-2003, 1:23 AM
Check out Norm's creation. I've been on the lookout for one of these for a while for my wife. Of course it's way down on the list, but so far I think the one I saw on New Yankee was the one I liked the best of all the idea's that I've seen so far.

It's the Garden Work Center or something like that. He also had a gardening type cabinet he made w/ some planting functionality in it, but I didn't like that as much.

Anyway, check his plan out - at least worth some good ideas.


Glenn Clabo
05-12-2003, 6:38 AM
I saved this picture a while back...thought it had some style. When I get around to building it I'll change some things like making it a little longer...shelves in the back...adding a sink...etc.

Daniel Rabinovitz
05-12-2003, 10:40 AM
I have made two.
This one is Norm's - a bit modified.

Daniel Rabinovitz
05-12-2003, 10:42 AM
This is the second one.
My design - made from pallets, with sunken pot for ready available top soil mixture.

Tom Sweeney
05-12-2003, 10:50 AM
They both look good - might be a project I need to do. I saw Norm making his & it looks like a good plan. What did you use for the "bench top"? & how is it holding up?


Daniel Rabinovitz
05-12-2003, 11:05 AM
Thank you
I used MDO (meduim density overlay)
Sign painters use it outdoors all the time and I have discovered it from Norm's programs. (i give him full credit).
It works great for all my "mobile" power tool projects. 3/4 inch about $59.00 for 4x8 sheet - 1/2 inch about $62.00 a 4x8 sheet.
It hold up real well in weather.
It has many laminations like Appleply or (my mind went blank) the special mutilaminated cabinet plywood. Also very little voids in it.
I them let sanding sealer soak in.
Then go from there with either paint of poly.

I just looked at Norm's bench and forgot to tell you that it is also made of cedar and pressure treated stuff.

Bill Grumbine
05-12-2003, 12:42 PM
Thanks everyone, for the links, pictures, and comments. Daniel, I really like the one you designed yourself. Now I have some ideas to work on.
