View Full Version : rustic vase

Michelle Rich
06-21-2013, 11:56 AM
This was a conmmissioned piece by a fella who wanted something very rustic and uneven. I personally think the base is a tad large. Part of that is my camera shortens & thickens everything, the other is I needed the base to be a tad large, as he wanted this to be at a level his dog's tail might whap! So we do what we must & make it to his specs. :p This vase feels like a very stiff toothbrush ..lots of furry & sharp edges. (it is not that the pic is blurry) Was a chore to figure out how to get this look for him. he loves it, so I guess I succeeded.;)

Roger Chandler
06-21-2013, 1:01 PM
Interesting, Michelle! Your customer not opting for a refined finish..........that goes against the grain a bit doesn't it! We usually spend so much time sanding and smoothing things out, that this has to be a mental challenge at least!

I wonder since he wanted "rustic" why he did not request leaving on at least some of the bark? Nice job!

Michelle Rich
06-21-2013, 2:44 PM
yep, indeed it does, roger. It is not ours to question why, it is our to make as they want. I rarely do commission work, as I hate making things I think are not "right" , by my own standards. But such is life.

Alan Trout
06-21-2013, 2:47 PM
Michelle, That is a lovely piece. I like the look.