View Full Version : Whats your thoughts on Norton's 3X sandpaper?

Brian Ashton
06-17-2013, 6:30 AM
I prefer 3M's Tri-m-ite fre-cut but that's impossible to find in Australia. I also like the Norton's Champagne Magnum... but it's pretty expensive here. I have a lead on some Norton's 3X at a good price but haven't used it before. So before I pull the trigger and buy a whack of it I thought I'd see what the consensus is on it... Your thoughts?

David Weaver
06-17-2013, 6:49 AM
It's great hand sanding paper, my favorite. Extremely aggressive and deep cutting, like bare abrasive on a sheet that goes full depth. I really like it, but everywhere I look around here lately, 3m has replaced it. Rockler's the exception, but their prices are bad.

glenn bradley
06-17-2013, 7:01 AM
Norton's 3X was my go to paper till I got ahold of some Klingspor stuff (spoiled me). I still have a stock of 3X and am working my way through it. Good cut, minimal loading, when block mounted it clears out well with a slap on the bench, and a very consistent scratch pattern while moving through the grits. Home Depot is my local source but, I'm a long way from your neighborhood.

Prashun Patel
06-17-2013, 8:45 AM
Norton 3X is a fine choice.

eugene thomas
06-17-2013, 10:47 AM
I like the norton. Borg use to sell till started selling 3m. Thsnks to amazon can still ger the 3x stuff.

Dave Beauchesne
06-17-2013, 10:51 AM
3X works well for me, but if not available ' down under ', I was recently given a SIA sampler pack, and, man, the stuff has longevity and feels reallllly good. Just my 2 cents, and not affiliated with either - - -

Brian Thornock
06-17-2013, 12:13 PM
I like the 3x stuff, but my preferred is Mirka, either carat or gold. I do, however, have a box of 3x 150 and 3x 220 and am perfectly happy with it.

Ty Williams
06-17-2013, 4:23 PM
I use the Norton 3x as my only hand-sanding paper. It just makes me less frustrated than other types of paper. I can buy it locally at Woodcraft and I can also buy it in 100-sheet bulk boxes at a HUGE discount from a place called The Anderson's General Store locally as well.