View Full Version : Cedar Spindles for a porch railing

Dennis Ford
06-10-2013, 9:45 PM
These spindles are replacements for a house restoration. The total order is for 113 spindles, I have 40 done so far. They are 2-1/2" square by 20" long. Prepping the blanks took about as long as the turning (I started with a log). The customer will be painting them; I expect they will last a long time.
Comments and critiques welcome.

Thomas Canfield
06-10-2013, 9:56 PM
Looking good. I bet your shop smells good also with all the prep work and now turning, sanding. Are you making an extra for the Instant Gallery at SWAT? One with a little info would make a good display item.

Mel Fulks
06-10-2013, 10:21 PM
They are nice .I think I would offer to treat all the pieces that are sappy with copper naphthalate for an up charge . Easy to do on pieces that small .

Dennis Ford
06-11-2013, 7:34 AM
Thomas; the shop does smell like cedar (no sanding on these though). I will make an extra or two.

Michelle Rich
06-11-2013, 10:10 AM
great to see some spindle work & these are just wonderful. How grand will this house look with these beautiful pieces! Great job

Grant Wilkinson
06-11-2013, 10:15 AM
It will be a shame to paint them. Since you've turned them from a log, how do you keep them from twisting as they dry, especially if he paints them while still "wet"?

Jim Underwood
06-11-2013, 1:04 PM
Good Job! About one third of the way through...You'll be really good at it, but I'll bet you'll be tired of them by the time you finish.

Roger Chandler
06-11-2013, 2:37 PM
Are you using a duplicator or all these by caliper and by eye? I sure hope that the cedar is stable since it is not kiln dried........I too would be concerned about twisting .....unless you have nice straight grain in those.

Very nice work on your part........making numerous by hand is really a tedious endeavor.

Bernie Weishapl
06-11-2013, 9:55 PM
Beautiful Dennis. Those are going to make that porch look snazzy.

Baxter Smith
06-11-2013, 10:07 PM
Very nice work Dennis. You are obviously getting good at it!

Kathy Marshall
06-11-2013, 11:41 PM
Great job Dennis! I bet your shop smells great, I love the smell of cedar!