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View Full Version : Embossing Mat Board

David Rust
06-08-2013, 4:48 PM
Hey All,

I have a request to emboss a picture frame Mat Board, I have been experimenting with transfer tape and Rub'nBuff without success.

I am rastering a name and date, approximately 30pt script font.
I am rastering through a medium tack transfer tape to use it as a mask.
I then apply some rubnbuff...

The rubnbuff adheres to the paper but i get some rough edges from the transfer tape adhesive.
I tried rastering with more power to get good depth in the mat however the edges still are not crisp, I also get some smudging.

I want to try laser foil, however after watching a few videos I don't think it will be good on card stock or mat board, the adhesive looks too tacky when it is peeled after vector cutting (on the videos it looks like this, I haven't tried it). I worried it may rip the cardstock paper surface when weeding.

Any suggestions? Should I use a different product?

I would like to get a shiny gold or silver finish...


Mike Null
06-08-2013, 5:32 PM
This is the perfect application for hot stamp foil but since that isn't an option I would suggest an experiment with the gold foil.

You are correct about the foil being too tacky to apply then engrave so here's what I'd try.

Cut off a small piece of foil, just large enough to do the job. Get a flat piece of steel or aluminum and stick the foil to the metal using a spray adhesive. Place it in the laser and vector cut it just to the carrier paper. It's called kiss cutting. Weed. Now apply the transfer paper to the foil using a squeegee or credit card. Very slowly and carefully lift the transfer paper separating the foil text from the carrier. You may have to use the credit card several times to get all the small pieces.

take the transfer paper with the foil and apply it to the mat or whatever you're practicing with. I sometimes use the clear contact paper or even Scotch tape to do the transfer. This can be tedious but it will work. It's not likely that paint will work.

BTW---I usually use either engraved black plates or sublimated brass plates for this job.

David Rust
06-10-2013, 6:51 PM
Thanks Mike, I agree, that engraving a plate would be a less time consuming process with great results.
I am trying to get a less formal look than the engraved plate, this is for a professional wedding photograph mounting.
I really like a gold or silver color name and date that is clean, professional but yet subtle. I don't want to compete with the beautiful picture, professional mat work and the really nice frame, I think a balance has to be struck... I think I am going to invest in a roll of the laser foil from Laserbits and practice the "kiss cut" and transfer process you mentioned.


Mike Null
06-11-2013, 6:38 AM
Another thought---see if a local sign shop will cut what you want from gold vinyl. It may be too small for their machine but it's worth a call.

Martin Boekers
06-11-2013, 9:22 AM
This is a bit of a process, but worth the research...
