View Full Version : More blue pine

Doug Herzberg
06-05-2013, 11:47 AM
This one was roughed in October and is now very dry. I now see some tool marks which will need attention. Funny what the camera sees and I don't. My wife doesn't like this form - says it looks like a salad bowl. I was working on the profile and it's kind of what I was going for.


Colorado Ponderosa 9-1/2" x 4." C&C appreciated.

Brian Kent
06-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Hey I like salad bowls. I'm just sayin'.

Reed Gray
06-05-2013, 1:18 PM
I like salad bowls as well. My best sellers. Sanding pine is a pain, and I usually won't do it. It really helps to do the soap soak, or wet oil sand. Having a multi spectrum light is a key as well, or take it outside to see what you have missed.

robo hippy

Michael Stafford
06-05-2013, 1:20 PM
I like the shape of your bowl Doug. Some folks would say that your blue pine is actually spalting. Take a look at some Norfolk Island Pine pieces with spalting and see the resemblance.

If mama ain't happy nobody is happy. DAMHIKT!

Roger Chandler
06-05-2013, 2:10 PM
That is a pretty nice bowl, Doug. A little more sanding/finish work and you will be off to the races...........I think a gloss finish will enhance the pine, and give a more hardened surface on this type of soft wood.......that being said, some folks do not like gloss and like a softer finish, so either way it will be nice...........durability would be enhanced a little IMHO with a harder finish.

Greg McClurg
06-05-2013, 2:32 PM
Nice bowl and wood. Do you get a lot of sap when you turn this kind of pine?


Doug Herzberg
06-05-2013, 3:31 PM
Nice bowl and wood. Do you get a lot of sap when you turn this kind of pine?


Not usually, Greg. If there's a branch inclusion in the work, sometimes there is a lot of pitch concentrated there and it gets messy.

Mike Tilley
06-05-2013, 7:23 PM
Nice like the colors and shape salad bowls are ok.

Harry Robinette
06-05-2013, 9:16 PM
Doug you and that pine are becoming close friends and all the pieces show it.

Bernie Weishapl
06-05-2013, 9:32 PM
Beautiful bowl Doug. Love the wood and form.

Curt Fuller
06-05-2013, 10:18 PM
I really like you work with pine. That blue fungus coloring really adds to the beauty in pine I think. Is this some of your local Ponderosa?

btw, everytime I try to make a salad bowl my wife says nice bowl but it doesn't look like a salad bowl.

Baxter Smith
06-05-2013, 10:51 PM
Doug, I don't think you have posted a piece of pine yet that I didn't think was pretty.

Kathy Marshall
06-05-2013, 10:52 PM
Very nice Doug!
Salad bowl, popcorn bowl, chip bowl, whatever you call it, it looks good and the blue stain in the wood is pretty cool!

Doug Herzberg
06-06-2013, 6:48 AM
Is this some of your local Ponderosa?

Hey Curt. Yes, this is from the tree the across-the-street neighbor lost last summer.

Jeff Gilfor
06-06-2013, 9:09 AM
I like the shape! Classic bowl. Sure, you can make fancy-shmancy ones but sometimes you gotta go old school.

Michelle Rich
06-06-2013, 9:10 AM
I like the wood..makes it interesting

Doug Herzberg
06-07-2013, 10:48 AM
A little more sanding/finish work and you will be off to the races...........I think a gloss finish will enhance the pine, and give a more hardened surface on this type of soft wood.

That was my thinking, too, Roger. This is about 5 coats of WOP. Still to be buffed.


Thanks everyone for the comments.