View Full Version : What I found in shaving pile.

Fred Belknap
06-03-2013, 10:11 AM
This is Critter and she spends a lot of her time in the shop. She is old and deaf and like to lay under the lathe when I am turning and let the shavings fall on top of her. She prefers the shavings from a final turning as they are smaller and soft. Sometimes she is kind of in the way, I step on her ever so often but she keeps coming back

Rick Markham
06-03-2013, 10:24 AM
Fred, my buddy Dempsey (a 95lb Belgian Malinois) loves to lay in the shop when I turn. He however, doesn't lay directly under the lathe LOL. I feel bad for them because of the dust, but there is only so much you can do. It's good to be loved :)

Michelle Rich
06-03-2013, 10:46 AM
:-) :-) great to have friends

Blair Swing
06-03-2013, 11:57 AM
Just wondering if she has a favorite wood type also? I know I hate the taste of mahogany myself...

robert baccus
06-03-2013, 2:32 PM
That is just too cool--try camphor wood and deflea every thing in the shop.

Ray Bell
06-03-2013, 8:56 PM
Well I am old and deaf too, but I don't think I want to lay under a lathe. Especially if you are going to step on me at times. Critter looks perfectly content, and comfortable though.

Jon Nuckles
06-03-2013, 9:34 PM
Very nice, Fred. My shop buddy is Zoe, and she also loves to sleep in shavings. She is not deaf, but she may be soon because she likes to sleep on the hose to the dust collector when she isn't in the dirtiest spot in the shop. You can see her in my avatar and here:

Tim Rinehart
06-03-2013, 9:44 PM
That's very cool Fred. In spite of her obvious health concerns, her mental state must be quite content.
Perhaps a Trend-mini?? I have a friend who's dogs also love laying around in the shavings and aren't spooked by noises. That's a good shop buddy if I've seen one that you have!

robert baccus
06-03-2013, 9:52 PM
Very cool but what pitiful little piles? of shavings. Shame--the critter deserves better.

Bernie Weishapl
06-03-2013, 10:30 PM
Thats cool Fred. My cat had his favorite perch in the shop when he would come out with me. lol

Pat Scott
06-04-2013, 12:44 PM
I love it! I agree, the cat looks perfectly content.

Neil Longhenry
06-04-2013, 9:23 PM
My Welsh Corgi used to spend a lot of time in the shop when I was turning. When I got my electronic variable speed lathe it seems to bother him. I don't know if it is some harmonics with the variable speed or what. I usually leave him in the house when I am turning, but have him out there during other times.

Jake Helmboldt
06-07-2013, 10:11 PM
Unfortunately the only thing my old cat used the lathe shavings for was a litter box when he accidently got shut in the garage overnight. You think elm smells bad?