View Full Version : Nothing original about this

Ray Bell
05-30-2013, 6:42 PM
Except for minor color differences, and a glass lid, this was straight out of a magazine. The wood is from a 125 year old railroad tunnel that they are rebuilding. The bowl is 11.5" diam., and 3.5" tall. Acrylics.

Grant Wilkinson
05-30-2013, 7:13 PM
Very nice! How did you do the blue finish, please?

Marc Himes
05-30-2013, 7:17 PM
I like this piece and the concept of adding texture and color with the glass lid. Well done.

Ray Bell
05-30-2013, 9:26 PM
Grant, the under coat is green acrylic paint mixed with Josonja Texture Paste and textured with sponge, and a stick After drying I painted over with Phthalo Blue acrylic paint, and then added Cobalt Blue, and Dioxazine Purple by stipling. I hope this is clear, if not send PM and I will try to make it more straight forward.

Bernie Weishapl
05-30-2013, 11:37 PM
Really a nice looking piece. I really like the color.

Kathy Marshall
05-31-2013, 1:02 AM
Very nice Ray! The color and texture on the top is really cool and the glass lid is a nice touch!

bob svoboda
05-31-2013, 1:22 PM
Ray--You've been practicing!!! Very nice indeed (and there's that deck again). Well done!