View Full Version : Worm Guts in a Pear Tree

John Hart
05-18-2005, 10:07 PM
Well Bruce Shiverdecker and his "Ugly Duckling" log got me fired up to kill some worms. Found m'self a chunk of wormy Pear and here is the result. Oh man! Talk about death on the highway! They gave their lives for me.

I thought about filling the holes but decided against it. You can see through this thing. 8" Diameter. I think I'll keep it. Thanks for peekin'.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-18-2005, 10:46 PM
HEHEHE....................Fun Ain't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bowl turned out interesting and wonderful.


Jerry Clark
05-18-2005, 11:36 PM
Talk about "Road Kill". Beautiful- great job!

Mark Singer
05-19-2005, 1:23 AM

I can't believe you killed all those worms to make the bowl....is that pear , shlamaca, or janetzki wood? If it is janetzki....it sometimes comes back at you....careful:confused: what was that a janetzki? Nice work I appreciate the special touches,,,,,the holes you drilled and the esthetics...a word I am supposed to use often as Design Moderator....I better go look it up....lets see that is es...t...h

Jeff Sudmeier
05-19-2005, 8:25 AM

The bowl looks great without filling the holes! I would sure want to keep this peice too!

Jim Becker
05-19-2005, 9:06 AM
Wormy material is great for turning, although it does present, um...challenges...for a vacuum chuck! ;) Nice job, John.

John Miliunas
05-19-2005, 9:16 AM
Very neat, John! Beautiful looking wood and, as for the holes...You know what they say: If it holds soup, it's a bowl. If it don't, it's art!:) :cool:

John Hart
05-19-2005, 9:36 AM
Very neat, John! Beautiful looking wood and, as for the holes...You know what they say: If it holds soup, it's a bowl. If it don't, it's art!:) :cool:

I remember when you said that very thing on a previous thread.:)
While I work on certain pieces of equipment, I think about different things...Like when I work on my router, I think of my cousin Frank...On the drum sander, I think of my daughter Rachel....It USED TO BE, when I was on the lathe, I thought of my daughter Fallon....But ever since you warned me of taking extra time to sand out tool marks, I think of John Miliunas. And last night while creating this seive of a bowl...I thought of how it was "Art". Heh heh...cool eh?

John Miliunas
05-19-2005, 9:52 AM
A bit off topic, but it really IS strange how we remember certain things. Over 30 years ago, our Driver's Ed instructor always pounded into our heads to "look ahead". Every time one of us got behind the wheel he said, "Now remember to look ahead. Far ahead. If you don't remember anything else from this course, you will always hear me saying, look ahead." I'll be dipped if that hasn't held true for all these years!:) But now go ahead and ask me what I had for supper Monday evening!!!:confused: :D :cool:

Jim Becker
05-19-2005, 9:58 AM
But now go ahead and ask me what I had for supper Monday evening!!!

Worms?? :eek:

Mike Ramsey
05-19-2005, 11:11 AM
John, you're cranking out these turnings so fast and they are all great. But where are you putting them all? Even a large house would fill up soon with your output!;)

Mike Ramsey
05-19-2005, 11:13 AM
Oh by the way, are you still sealing all those blanks in between turnings?

John Hart
05-19-2005, 11:41 AM
Thanks Mike....Yep...still sealing. Today is dedicated to that. Maybe I'll get a chance to make a bowl today..MAYBE?...hah!...Probably!!When I'm sealing blanks, it's kinda like tasting the cookie dough though...I'll see something I like and put it on the machine!

Life is good:)

Ernie Nyvall
05-20-2005, 4:42 PM
I like the worm holes John. I've spun a few of those myself and do you know the best way to clean the holes of the cutoff worms? Course they have to be the meaty kind of worms... they taste the best.


John Hart
05-20-2005, 5:49 PM
Ohhhh!!!! You're killing me man!:eek:

....course then maybe some kind of chowder...mmm mmm good!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-20-2005, 6:32 PM
You better hope one of the animal rights or insect rights groups don't find this thread! They might outlaw ww for all of us! :eek: :rolleyes: :D

John Hart
05-20-2005, 6:57 PM
Ken, I was thinking that very thing yesterday!! Now I'm going to have the PITA people carrying signs out in front of my house, just because Ernie likes to clean worms out of wood a certain way. Sheesh...is there no end to the madness?