View Full Version : Son's Rocking Chair

Dave Bonde
05-27-2013, 12:28 AM
My son built a rocking chair in his HS Woods II class. I am proud of him, he did an excellent job. Here are a couple of pictures during the build.

Tim Boger
05-27-2013, 7:01 AM
What a wonderful opportunity to begin a life long hobby .... and a beautiful job on the chair.

I'm impressed!

Jim Tabor
05-27-2013, 9:32 AM
Nice job Brandon, you should be proud.…But be careful, building rocking chairs can become addictive and everyone in the family will want one (or two:)). If you’re into chairs, I recommend articles and books by Kerry Pierce.

Bill White
05-27-2013, 10:46 AM
Not only is the chair well done, but having a school that still teaches woodworking is a rarity.
Encourage the son, and support the school.

Mel Fulks
05-27-2013, 11:07 AM
Well done! A much more ambitious project than any thing made in my old shop class.

Rick Potter
05-27-2013, 1:01 PM
You are a proud Papa, and rightfully so. What a feeling of accomplishment he must feel.

Rick Potter

johnny means
05-27-2013, 2:37 PM
Dave, letting your child actually learn a trade is irresponsible and unAmerican.:mad: God forbid he may actually decide that he likes working with his hands.:(

Seriously though, he done good. I wish I could get my 14 yo to put that kind of effort into his projects. Is that level of project the norm in his class or was he a standout?

lowell holmes
05-27-2013, 2:50 PM
Your asking Dad? Of course he's a standout.


Dave Bonde
05-27-2013, 4:24 PM
Thanks guys, no Johnny this level is not the norm. Brandon has been working with me for a lot of years but our HS Ind Tech program is a strong one.


Julie Moriarty
05-27-2013, 5:02 PM
I am proud of him...

You should be. Great job! Does this mean you'll soon have to be asking him for time in the workshop at home? :D

Von Bickley
05-27-2013, 5:19 PM
I can only see one thing wrong with that chair....... It is not at my house.

Great looking wood, great style, and one GREAT chair.

Dimitrios Fradelakis
05-27-2013, 11:49 PM
Great looking chair! Glad to see that High Schools still have wood shop classes.

Bill Huber
05-28-2013, 7:42 AM
That is an awesome looking chair and I am sure he is as proud of it as you are of him.

That chair will be here for many many years and when he passes it on his kids, they can say "My dad made that chair"

Rick Markham
05-28-2013, 8:26 AM
Fantastic looking chair! He's a natural!

Peter Stahl
05-28-2013, 9:10 AM
Great looking chair! He definitely has a lot of talent for woodworking. Our shop class way back when I was in school would have never let us build anything like that.