View Full Version : Sticky Stick: AAW FUNdamentals video

Alan Zenreich
05-19-2013, 11:38 AM
I recently became a member of the AAW Woodturning FUNdamentals committee.

This video accompanies a short article I wrote for the May/June newsletter.

It's a simple enough accessory to build. I was having fun playing with some new audio recording equipment and video post production software.



Jon Lanier
05-19-2013, 12:40 PM
Great idea! You can even keep several around with different size/purposed sand papers. One for the 2 or 3 inch sanding a the lathe. Square sheets for a palm sander, 5 inch orbital sander... endless possibilities to be able to keep track of where you are at in the cycle of grits.

Alan Zenreich
05-19-2013, 1:22 PM

Absolutely, it takes only about 3 more minutes to make two instead of one... make them by the dozen <vbg>