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View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
05-13-2013, 8:19 AM
13 May 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
Just came off of another oncall week. Not too bad this time around and I'm thrilled to be free again. :)

The highlight of my weekend was that I was able to spend some much needed time with my youngest 2 sons and we got to talk a lot, work on motorcycles together, clean stuff up together, and just generally hanging out together. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful young men in my life and such a wonderful responsibility to help and watch them grow up into fine young men. Sure, we all have our struggles, and who doesn't, none the less, I'm a blessed man because of my kids and my wife.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and we celebrated really well with all homemade Mexican Food. The LOML Jr and her hubby came by as well as his mom and dad. Everyone brought and contributed a Mexican Food dish of sorts for all to share. I truly think that we ALL over-ate yesterday.!!! Sure was good though.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
05-13-2013, 9:08 AM
Still no woodworking here. Realistically I doubt I'll get started on my next project before late June at this point.

Friday night I did the brakes on my truck, finally. New pads and rotors all around which went well except one back rotor that was a bear to get off. I think one wheel took longer than the rest combined. A combination of penetrating oil, heat and a hammer finally got it off, but not before I broke a chunk off the edge! I then took the old front rotors in to see if they could be turned for next time. Rotors have gotten so cheap this has been my approach the last several years as it makes the actual brake jobs go a lot faster. I just coat the old rotors with WD40 or Boeshield and put them in bags on a shelf until the next brake job.

Saturday--errands including a stop at the nursery to talk to them about a rather expensive tree we bought last year that's not doing well. They are coming this weekend to dig it out and replace at no charge. Actually, better than no charge as the new tree we selected was less expensive than the one last year so they gave us credit toward a couple bushes we were getting too. Also stopped and ordered myself a new iPhone as I'm upgrade-eligible in a week or so. Daughter also found out that we've decided to give her my old one, something we've been going back and forth on for the last several months. Needless to say she's excited. Got home in time to plant the new bushes and do some other yard work before it started raining.

Sunday--Had a friend come over and till our garden, then installed a new Blu-Ray player since ours has been acting up and getting worse and worse the last couple months to the point where we couldn't use it at all. I thought I'd proven it to be the Blu-Ray player because our satellite reciever works on any HDMI input on our AV receive but the Blu-Ray wouldn't. Only it turned out it wasn't the Blu-Ray player as the new one did the exact same thing. I then thought to plug it into the TV and it was fine. Googling, its not an uncommon problem on Integra/Onkyo receivers and based on everything I read I decided its not worth sending in as shipping and repairs would easily be a few hundred--so I shopped for a new one of those and got it ordered. The Integra receiver was a low-end of a high-end line and was not inexpensive so I'm pretty disappointed it only lasted us 4 years. The Sony I bought in 1996 is still going strong in my shop, needing only a CA glue repair on the power button when the original plastic welds broke a couple years ago. I chose a Denon that has a lot of nice features for us from Crutchfield this time. By the time I was done messing around with all that it was time to head out to see my MIL and then my parents. Watched a DVD last night with the Blu-Ray connected directly--forgot how bad TV speakers sound.

Jamie Lynch
05-13-2013, 10:46 AM
No woodworking this weekend. My uncle's job moved him from Arlington Tx to Oklahoma City, so I took the trailer and pickup down to give him a hand. The LOML expected me home Sunday afternoon, But we got finished quicker than expected and I was able to surprise her by coming home on Saturday night. This was her first time to participate in Mother's Day as a mom. Pretty cool!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-13-2013, 11:00 AM
Last week for 3 days I danced with a pick and shovel....first in installing sprinklers in a flower bed and then removing some old edging, installing new edging followed by backfilling. Saturday I chilled and read a novel. Sunday, I replaced some bulbs in my shop and made a trip to the dump hauling away some batteries, fluorescent tubes and the old plastic edging.

Today I start on vacuuming, wiping down with mineral spirits, followed by applying stain and finish to my new router work station.

Rich Riddle
05-13-2013, 1:32 PM
Worked at completing new room built for SWMBO. It had lots of woodworking, so built and finished the craftsman style trim (after shellac courses earlier in the week) around all the windows and doors in the sun room along with the baseboards and base shoe trim. I had previously put in a rift cut long board oak floor. After that, moved in the carpet and furniture. Seems the family enjoys the work.

It took forever for the flooring supplier to come up with the boards at the highest grade. I matched the inside of the new three walls to the existing brick of the house. The ceiling is recycled cedar out of an old barn. Quite a contrast to see a flawless floor and restored cedar ceiling, but that's what she wanted.

After that short exercise, repainted the master bedroom including fixing all the previous painter errors.


John Sanford
05-13-2013, 2:02 PM
That's a nice view there Rich!

I got some shop time, built myself a small saw till for my existing and incoming joinery saws. I was reminded that leveling the bandsaw table is not the same as squaring it to the blade. Since it's only a shop project made using some pine offcuts, I'm not going to worry about it. The upside though is my saws now have a home, my backwall is coming together, I can move on now to the planes, and, at least for a little while, my workbench is clear.

Oh, and I saw IronMan 3 on Sunday. Fun movie, much more character driven than the 2nd one. I recommend it.

Joe Mioux
05-13-2013, 9:51 PM
Left work on Mother's Day weekend at 10am on Saturday so I could attend oldest son's graduation.

my son, Michael received his BLA (bachelors in landscape architecture) from the university of Illinois. He was also the only undergrad to be invited into the national honor fraternity, sigma lambda alpha, which is the society of landscape architects honor fraternity.

now all he needs is an internship and then a job. Hopefully, he goes back for his masters next year.

Rod Sheridan
05-14-2013, 12:44 PM
Hi, some of you may remember the bandsaw mill I built last autumn, and used to saw up some ash logs.

The above stacks have been drying on my patio over winter, and the wood is down to 14% MC, so we moved the right hand stack downstairs to the shop to continue drying, as can be seen in the photograph below.

I'll probably be making flooring in January.


Regards, Rod.

Jeff Heil
05-14-2013, 10:12 PM
Spent the weekend tiling the backsplash to finish the kitchen project build.262283

Bill Wyko
05-14-2013, 10:32 PM
Went out of town to spend time with extended family and with my mom. Say a little prayer for her if you don't mind, she's not well.