View Full Version : Ever use 2 MFTs as a clamp?

Chris Padilla
05-12-2013, 10:17 PM
So in a pinch, I had a rare smack of insight in trying to clamp up something longer than any clamp I owned.

Using some QWAS dogs and some shorter Bessey clamps and some Festool MFT dog clamps and regular clamps (can NEVER have enough clamps, right?!), I was able to clamp up two pieces of ply that measured out around 60" long total.

Not bad for a lazy Sunday afternoon....


Chris Padilla
05-13-2013, 6:01 PM
So no one else has ever done this?! Am I the first?? ;)

Michael Dunn
05-13-2013, 6:59 PM
I've definitely never done it. Largely due to not owning even one MFT... Yet.

Great idea! Mental note has been made.

Andy Pratt
05-20-2013, 1:11 AM
Creative, you should put it in the tips and tricks thread. The concept could be used on any bench you could mount a stop to, and any other flat, equal height movable or immovable object (table saw with fence locked down even, for one side).

Any time I have a have a thing that is too large for my clamps I always try to remember 4 outside-of-the-box tools: The bessey one-hand edge clamps, bessey toggle clamps/bench holdfasts, wedges and CA glue. Between those it seems like you can always figure something out.

johnny means
05-20-2013, 1:22 AM
Looks to me like you squandered a perfectly good excuse to buy more clamps:D

johnny means
05-20-2013, 1:24 AM
While giving me justification for not just one, but two MFTs.:D

Jerry Miner
05-20-2013, 1:57 AM
So no one else has ever done this?! Am I the first?? ;)

I think everyone else that can afford two MFT's can also afford two 5' pipe clamps ;)

Chris Padilla
05-20-2013, 3:58 PM
Creative, you should put it in the tips and tricks thread. The concept could be used on any bench you could mount a stop to, and any other flat, equal height movable or immovable object (table saw with fence locked down even, for one side).

Any time I have a have a thing that is too large for my clamps I always try to remember 4 outside-of-the-box tools: The bessey one-hand edge clamps, bessey toggle clamps/bench holdfasts, wedges and CA glue. Between those it seems like you can always figure something out.

I could do that, Andy, and I like your out-of-the-box mantra! Works for me! :)

Looks to me like you squandered a perfectly good excuse to buy more clamps:D

I know one can never have enough clamps, but really, I do have PLENTY of them!! haha

While giving me justification for not just one, but two MFTs.:D

I picked up the second one rather cheap on Craigslist several years ago. :)

I think everyone else that can afford two MFT's can also afford two 5' pipe clamps ;)

It is even worse, Jerry. I HAVE some nice pipe clamps from Rockler...just no pipe for them AND I was too lazy to head to the borg to pick up the $15 worth of pipe that I needed to make up the longer clamps!! :D :D

Jerry Miner
05-20-2013, 9:56 PM
Pipe clamps but no pipe??!! You ARE lazy! Go get some right now, in several assorted lengths. Those clamp heads don't do ANY good sitting on the bench!! :D