View Full Version : Mystery Shaper

Rick Hubbard
05-12-2013, 1:30 PM
I mentioned in another thread in Workshops (Setting up new shop location but having problems (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?202427-Setting-up-new-shop-location-but-having-problems/page2)) that I just bought a bunch of woodworking equipment from a fellow who is retiring.

Some of it I am excited about (especially the 16 inch planer) and some of it not so much. One item that has me puzzled is the shaper in the attached picture. By its color I originally thought it was a Jet and possibly a JWS-18HO, but upon further investigation that is doubtful. First of all, the JWS 18HO was a weird blue when manufactured and it did not come with an enclosed stand. Also, this shaper has a wider table (25 inches) than the JWS 18HO. The real kicker though is the motor which looks to be 2HP and is 220 volt.

I know the pictures are awful (cell phone) but does anyone have a clue what this critter might be? There are no labels of any kind visible and the more I look at it, I am wondering if the white paint is orginal.

Thanks for the help

Bill Geibe
05-12-2013, 10:06 PM
I can tell you what it doesn't look like. It doesn't resemble a Delta/Rockwell. The plinth and cabinet are wrong.


Kirk Poore
05-12-2013, 11:06 PM
I don't know. The base is kind of Boice-Crane, but the handwheel isn't--that's more Walker-Turner. You could go here and see what you can find:



david brum
05-13-2013, 12:45 AM
It looks like an older Jet JSS 3 to me. The table mounted hold down is pretty distinctive. Jet's model is obsolete, but Accura (http://www.accuramachinetools.com/accura-02301-jet-type-3-hp-shaper-34-amp-1-inch.html)also makes a similar model.