View Full Version : First Hollow Segmented Turning

Blair Swing
05-10-2013, 9:05 PM
Well I have completed my first hollow segmented turning! While I have done several open design bowls this was by far the most complicated and totals 338 pieces. Happy for the most part knowing I have some new tools that will make the next Indian blanket tighter and I learned a lot in the process. Let me know what you think. The two cedar bowls are for a couple teachers that gave my son his college recommendations.

Mike Null
05-12-2013, 10:29 AM

Welcome to SMC. I'm impressed with your work and design.

Blair Swing
05-15-2013, 6:48 AM
Thanks, have received an order for another one! Have many more designs in my head but actual work gets in the way. I have a new "old" craftsman tilting table saw now that for segment work I think will help a lot. Didn't have it when I made the focus ring. Appreciate the comment though and will keep making sawdust.

JoAnn Duggan
05-15-2013, 7:08 AM

They are absolutely beautiful!

JoAnn Duggan

Kyle Hayes
05-15-2013, 8:12 AM
Nice work there......they are amazing

Robert McGowen
05-15-2013, 10:27 AM
The segmenting itself looks very well done. I would tweak the shape a bit though with a narrower base and maybe a smaller lip at the top. I am sure you had a vision for the color scheme, but to me, none of the colors seem to fit together or make any sense.

The cedar bowls will make great presents.

Blair Swing
05-31-2013, 7:17 PM
The segmenting itself looks very well done. I would tweak the shape a bit though with a narrower base and maybe a smaller lip at the top. I am sure you had a vision for the color scheme, but to me, none of the colors seem to fit together or make any sense.

The cedar bowls will make great presents.

thanks for the pointers, the purpleheart over time will mellow and come closer to resembling the walnut but still provide a nice contrast to the red. Things are moving fast, and hopefully if things go well I will be showing something similar in one or two Sante Fe galleries.

Roger Chandler
05-31-2013, 8:17 PM
I am just getting into the learning stage of segmenting myself.............I look forward to the time when I can make something as nice as this......congratulations on a nice piece!

Michelle Rich
06-01-2013, 6:57 AM
welcome to SMC. Glad you are having fun segmenting. It can be great fun. I like your basic concept, and think for a new segmenter you are getting the hang of it. If I may be bold, I think the next time, I'd suggest you not change colors & design from the neck up. If it were me, I'd have put a very thin white row, then take my brown up the neck. You want your featureband to do the talking on this. As is, it distracts from your nice featureband

Bernie Weishapl
06-01-2013, 10:12 AM
Welcome to SMC. Great looking peieces.