View Full Version : Hollow Form Rough Outs

Toby Bouder
05-03-2013, 7:28 PM
I obtained a couple pieces of nice maple burl from a local logger and decided to try my hand at this style of hollow form. I am new to hollow forms so I hope I left enough thickness to return later. All six are about 4 3/4" x 5" or so. The walls are about 3/8" thick, the bottoms about 1/2" - 5/8". The openings are 1 1/8". Comments and suggestions would be helpful.

Eric Gourieux
05-03-2013, 7:35 PM
These look like good roughouts as far as form. 3/8" thickness should be ok as long as they don't move very much. It may be a little slim if they move. Do you have them bagged?

Toby Bouder
05-03-2013, 9:02 PM
These look like good roughouts as far as form. 3/8" thickness should be ok as long as they don't move very much. It may be a little slim if they move. Do you have them bagged?

Thanks. Yes, I wrap all of my roughouts with newspaper then poke a few pencil holes in the openings. With these probably one hole will be enough.

Baxter Smith
05-03-2013, 9:07 PM
They should be very pretty Tim. Getting a smooth curve from top to bottom is something to shoot for. Keeping the widest part at about 2/3 of the total height is generally most pleasing.