View Full Version : Bandsaw

Bernie Weishapl
05-15-2005, 7:47 PM
Well got the bandsaw last week. Delta BS150. Yesterday got the timberwolf blades I had ordered.:D So today started on the grandson's rocking horse. I cannot beleive how the TW blades cut. I put the 1/2" on first and resawed some 6 inch red oak into 5/32" or so veener. I then jointed it to 1/8". I made a MDF fence for resawing. It cut straight as a arrow. I put the 1/4" blade on to cut the rocking horse. I couldn't believe I can cut as good as a scroll saw with the thing. Most of the cuts were pretty straight except for the head. Here are a couple of pictures using the saw. It is not a big saw but I think will be just fine for clock building.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


Jeff Sudmeier
05-15-2005, 7:50 PM
Looks like it is serving you very well! Congrats on the saw, I would really like a 14" BS!