View Full Version : Quick little Acacia hf

Kathy Marshall
04-25-2013, 2:59 AM
I got a call from the tree trimmers yesterday, so this morning I dropped off my trailer on the way to work. I went by after work to pick up the trailer and load up the truck, but the trailer wasn't loaded yet so I just loaded up the truck with some acacia.
One of the pieces was a small limb, so after I sealed the logs and unloaded the truck, I cut off a section of the log and decided to turn a little hf to give to the tree trimmers when I pick up the trailer.

The limb was only about 4 1/2" in diameter, so there's lots of sapwood. For a hardwood, it turns really nice when it's fresh cut and hollowing was a breeze.

It's 5" x 3 3/4" with just a coat of antique oil.
Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

charlie knighton
04-25-2013, 7:50 AM
very nice Kathy, that one looks like a good one for pyro, maybe something along the lines of a lumberjack, john henry....he was a railroad guy....who was the lumberjack?

Roger Chandler
04-25-2013, 8:03 AM
You should name that one "Saturn" because of the ring around it! That is a very nice form........I like it! :)

Thomas Canfield
04-25-2013, 8:23 AM
Nice piece. The contrast goes well with the form. You are lucky to have the tree trimmer source from all the posts and scores.

Scott M Perry
04-25-2013, 8:29 AM
very nice Kathy, that one looks like a good one for pyro, maybe something along the lines of a lumberjack, john henry....he was a railroad guy....who was the lumberjack?

Paul Bunyan?

Doug W Swanson
04-25-2013, 9:01 AM
Love the colors. I'm sure the trimmers will love it...

Tim Rinehart
04-25-2013, 11:37 AM
Very nice and excellent gesture to help keep the source flowing your way!

Deane Allinson
04-25-2013, 3:35 PM
Pretty pieces, I love the ring effect of the sap wood. Lucky trimmers.

robert baccus
04-25-2013, 4:02 PM
Great vase--and unique shape as usual--is that logical? Any idea which acacia that might be--Mimosa maybe?

Bernie Weishapl
04-25-2013, 10:18 PM
Wow I like this one Kathy. Really nice form and the wood is really cool.

Kathy Marshall
04-25-2013, 10:48 PM
Thanks everyone!

Charlie, after I came in the house and tried to wash the black off my hands, I thought maybe I should have done a little ebonizing. Maybe on the next one.

Robert, it's Acacia Stenophylla aka shoestring acacia, nearly as stable as mesquite, a little finer grain and cuts easier.

charlie knighton
04-26-2013, 8:02 AM
after I came in the house and tried to wash the black off my hands,

mesquite.....better have some lemon juice....espically when the temperature rises, and your hands start to sweat

Thomas Canfield
04-26-2013, 9:21 PM
The color and sapwood do look like some Mimosa given to me by tree trimmer about a month ago. Some was up to 20"D but only 14" long section, several 8 to 10" crotch sections, and other down to about 6"D. The sap did turn my hands black, but lemon juice works. Some of the rough turnings were sealed with Anchor Seal and some was packed in shavings in a paper bag which dried quickly with thinner turnings. I did find the Mimosa to be a coarse grain that wanted to tear easily without a sharp tool.

robert baccus
04-26-2013, 11:02 PM
Thanks Cathy and by the way your tip about gesso worked well in hollow forms on the rough side inside. Found I could thin the stuff with water and pour in and out. Wonder if sheetrock spackling would work??