View Full Version : Drilling Dowels

W.C. Turner
05-09-2003, 10:51 PM
Anybody got a fast, easy, safe, way of accurately drilling the face grain of a dowel, not end grain. in the center of ther dowel?


Todd Burch
05-09-2003, 10:54 PM
Create a V-block. Clamp on drill press table, under drill press bit, aligning bit with bottom of v. Insert dowel and drill.


W.C. Turner
05-10-2003, 1:40 AM
That's another thing I've been wanting to learn how to do,is how best to make a V block safely? Do you run it over the table saw, or how?


Charlie Stein
05-10-2003, 2:52 AM
:) Hi W C,
The easy way to make a V block is to take a piece of hard wood
adout 6" {random figure} wide, lan out the midle and put a line on it and both ends. Set your ts at a 45 deg. and the rip fence to
cut about 1/3 rd of the thickness :rolleyes: and meets the center line on one side:( now turn it around, DO NOT move fence and run it through again:confused: try it it works.
Tip make it long enough to clamp to your drill press.
C-B-Woodpecker Shop

Steve K
05-11-2003, 8:20 PM
If you're drilling using a small bit it can wander, even with a V block. Here (http://www2.fwi.com/~krumy/oval%20jig/centerdrilling.htm) is a method that I use now and then that virtually guarantees the hole with be centered.


W.C. Turner
05-12-2003, 1:13 AM
Thanks for all replies!!