View Full Version : Pen turning dust collection hood design

Jay Yoder
04-24-2013, 10:19 PM
Hey all, I have designed a dust collection hood based on some individual and commercial versions to try to suck up the dust cloud from turning pens and other smaller items. The hood also has a guard which pivots on the mounting holes shown. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions? 260808

Brian Brown
04-24-2013, 10:30 PM
I've thought about doing something similar. I think it would work, but if I make one, I'd have to put the hose connection on the back rather than the end. The hose wouldn't fit with my tail stock in the way. Let us know how it works when you get it done.

Jay Yoder
04-24-2013, 10:44 PM
Brian, I put to DC out the side b/c my lathe is close to the wall. In the case of rear DC I was afraid that I didn't have enough space to clear it. Regardless excellent point about the tailstock, I better check that eh? :)

Jim Burr
04-25-2013, 8:59 AM
Can't hurt to try it out...let us know how it works!

Brian Brown
04-25-2013, 9:06 AM
OK, let's really complicate things. How about 45* out one corner. :D

Brian Finney
04-25-2013, 11:56 AM
I like the Robo Hippy approach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZsVc7qVx7A and its tried and tested.
Thread at http://www.sawmillcreek.org/archive/index.php/t-176649.html?

Reed Gray
04-25-2013, 12:10 PM
When I am on my mini lathe, I actually take that hood and sit it on the bench behind the lathe. Gets every thing. If you can find a barrel like that, you can sit your lathe inside it and with a little rigid support, make a shelf on top for 'stuff'. You can buy sheet stock of plastic as some places and frame your own. I like the white because some light will go through it. You could get fancy and do clear acrlyic, but the dust does like to statically charge and stick to it.

robo hippy

Mark Detrick
04-25-2013, 1:28 PM
I made something very similar a few years ago and it has worked quite well. It doesn't collect all the chips but it does quite well with dust from sanding. Use plexiglass on the guard portion for visibility and to improve lighting on the blank. Mine exhausts out the side also.

Bernie Weishapl
04-25-2013, 10:21 PM
Looks like it will do the job. Lets us know how it works.

Jay Yoder
04-26-2013, 9:23 PM
Thanks for all the input. I have been toying with the idea of reducing the OD of the cut out that goes over to mandrel to accommodate a collet style chuck in the future. Unfortunately my daughter's softball games are eating up my shop time. Maybe I can work it out this weekend? Time shall tell..

steve worcester
04-27-2013, 6:42 PM
The thing about dust collection with a lathe is you want to collect the small stuff, dust from sanding, over the large stuff, the chips. The reason is large chips don't cause respiratory peril, it is the small stuff, arbitrarily, sub 5 micron. That is what will cause lung issues. (Large chips don't stay in suspension in the air space allowing you to breath it)
The big stuff can get swept up. You're design looks good if what you want to do is the small stiff, and you have sufficient CFMs and it is close enough to the work. Use polycarbonate, not generic plexi, or acrylic for the shatter resistance. I don't know that magic number, but I would guess a clean shop vac connected to the guard or a 4"+ off of a cyclone.

Roy Turbett
04-27-2013, 11:10 PM
I bought one of the commercial hoods that comes with a heavy duty magnet to attach the hood to the side of the lathe. I didn't like this arrangement because the hood got in the way of the tool rest. I solved the problem by building a sled and mounting a piece of steel on the back side for the magnet. I can slide the sled into any position and adjust the height by moving the magnet up and down. Here's a link to a photo

http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff413/turbettr/Shop%20Talk/ShopTalk.jpg (http://s1234.photobucket.com/user/turbettr/media/Shop%20Talk/ShopTalk.jpg.html)

Jay Yoder
04-28-2013, 3:44 PM
That is like the hood I am currently contemplating. My concern with it is that it appears to be designed for mini/midi lathes and I currently have a Delta 1440 lathe and will probably go bigger at some point. With your "stand" design, It appears that I could utilize it in a modifed form to match mine????