View Full Version : woodworking starts young - pic

Dennis Peacock
05-14-2005, 8:38 AM
Godd Morning everyone.

Thought I would post a pic of my son Joseph, who is 10 years old and has been hankerin to get in the shop and do woodworking on real tools. Well, I decided it was time to start teaching him about woodworking, besides how to identify the various wood species in rough cut lumber. He used to call everything "Oak" but has since learned how to tell what's Oak from various other species of wood, like poplar, pine, cherry, walnut and many others. He's been trying to learn about exotics as well. It's just that my collection of exotics is very small but I at least have something for him to start with. :cool:

Anyway, Joseph has the turning bug! Now I wonder why that is? Surely it wouldn't have to do with THREE lathes in a single shop and two of them are PM 3520's, now would it? :D

I've started him with a roughing gouge and turning green tree limbs. The trouble is? He has turned all the turning stock I got for him as well as all that Mark has brought by for him to turn and now he's asking for "more". :eek: :eek:

Just thought I would share this moment in my life as I have waited many years to reach this day. I guess you could say that I'm "as proud as a Peacock"!! :D :)

Steve Ash
05-14-2005, 8:54 AM
Thanks for sharing! Enjoy these young years....they grow up so fast.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2005, 9:37 AM
As Steve stated....Enjoy! one day you'll turn around and they are gone ....and you're wondering " What happened?" :confused:

Jim Becker
05-14-2005, 11:03 AM
That's really wonderful, Dennis. I wish I would have been blessed with discovering woodworking at that age! I hope that Joseph continues in earnest with this great activity.

But, let me ask you...is it normal in Arkie-land to teach young sons about "exotics" at that early age?? ;) :D

Charlie Plesums
05-14-2005, 2:16 PM
woodworking starts young - pic.

Thought I would post a pic of my son Joseph, who is 10 years old and has been hankerin to get in the shop and do woodworking on real tools. Well, I decided it was time to start teaching him about woodworking, ...:)

Dennis, why did you hold Joseph back so long? What a shame. We started Mark earlier.


If you start this young, they quickly get to this stage


Outdoor work is good, too... like roofing.


Needless to say, these pictures disappeared when the social worker from the adoption agency showed up.

Although not an avid woodworker, he did help design and build this humidor for his cigar collection. (Mark is now 30)



(Sorry to hijack your post, but I couldn't resist!)

Jeff Sudmeier
05-14-2005, 9:47 PM
Dennis, Congrats! I am sure that is a day that every father woodworker dreams of!

Dennis Peacock
05-15-2005, 12:00 AM
Thanks for all the kind responses.

I too am happy that at least 1 of my 4 kids has the desire to work with wood. I could only hope and pray that one of them would like to work in wood. My other 2 sons and daughter will at least get some basic skills in working with wood so that can at least do "something" in their adult lives. I greatly love my kids and always want them to learn and do all they can.