View Full Version : Multi axis bowl - Success!

Kathy Marshall
04-22-2013, 12:18 AM
Well, I gave multi axis bowl turning another shot today with much better results.
I took pics along the way.

I started off with a mesquite bowl blank, mounted it on a screw chuck, turned the outside and turned a tenon.
I mounted the faceplate and block and then cleaned up and resized the recess to fit the tenon on this bowl.
I mounted the bowl to the block and then trued up the face.
Then I took the extra step to measure out where the depressions would be and which position the faceplate needed to be to get the diameters I wanted. The big depression was with the faceplate 1" from center, the small depression was with the faceplate 2" from center on the opposite side.
I started out with the big depression so there would be less unbalanced weight when I moved the faceplate to the 2" mark for the smaller one. I sanded the 1st depression and then moved the faceplate for the 2nd one.
The turning was done at about 550 rpms. Imagine yourself turning during a small earthquake and you'll know what it feels like in my shop. Since my shop is a cargo trailer, when the lathe vibrates or rocks, the shop and everything in it vibrates and rocks and anything left on the edge of the workbench or a shelf, will find it's way to the floor.
After sanding the 2nd depression and the face, I drilled some holes sized for some brass and aluminum rods of varying sizes. I CA'd the rods in then cut them as close as I could with a hacksaw. Then taking very light cuts, I trued up the face and then sanded.

I applied antique oil to the natural wood areas, then applied black gesso to the face. When the gesso was dry I sanded lightly to expose the brass and aluminum, then applied a coat of antique oil. It still needs some buffing and it's 7 1/4" x 2".
Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-22-2013, 12:24 AM
Beautifully done and very intriguing Kathy!

Cheryl A. Prince
04-22-2013, 5:29 AM
Your piece looks like two planets floating in the night sky! I'm diggin' it Kathy! Nice work. Man, I've got to retire so I can get to my lathe.....

Michelle Rich
04-22-2013, 5:44 AM
the black & metal sure take this up on the interest scale.

charlie knighton
04-22-2013, 7:36 AM
great work Kathy, the artist is coming out me thinks, if that is your second, looking forward to your 10th

jwjerry w kowalski
04-22-2013, 7:53 AM
Very nice Kathy , the contrasts look great, and now after your tutorial I'll have to try this, your idea of the brass and aluminum rods was unique and creative. Well done as always.

Doug W Swanson
04-22-2013, 8:27 AM
Beautiful Kathy! What can't you do?

Roger Chandler
04-22-2013, 9:01 AM
Impressive! Nice work K!

Dale Gillaspy
04-22-2013, 9:05 AM
Nice job. Looks great. I really love the brass and aluminum rods!

Dan Forman
04-22-2013, 12:37 PM
That's great Kathy, looks like your creativity is going into overdrive!


Ted Calver
04-22-2013, 12:51 PM
Very creative! I'd try one but I'm skeered:)

Mike Golka
04-22-2013, 1:35 PM
Most impressive!! Very artistic, well done Kathy.

David Reed
04-22-2013, 1:53 PM
Very imaginative and well done. Did you not have trouble with the metal rods shifting in the wood while you knocked them with the cutting tool? Did you use carbide, HSS or just your usual tools for cutting the brass/aluminum?

Doug Ladendorf
04-22-2013, 4:20 PM
Wow, I love the turning, the mix of media and the black/natural finish. Just a stunning piece.

Rich Aldrich
04-22-2013, 9:06 PM
Nice work. Really interesting.

Greg Just
04-22-2013, 10:42 PM
Very nice. thanks for sharing.

Kathy Marshall
04-23-2013, 1:13 AM
Beautifully done and very intriguing Kathy!
Thanks Ken!

Your piece looks like two planets floating in the night sky! I'm diggin' it Kathy! Nice work. Man, I've got to retire so I can get to my lathe.....
Thanks Cheryl! You just need to ignore some chores to make some lathe time :rolleyes:

the black & metal sure take this up on the interest scale.
Thanks Michelle!

great work Kathy, the artist is coming out me thinks, if that is your second, looking forward to your 10th
Thanks Charlie! It may be awhile until I get to #10.

Very nice Kathy , the contrasts look great, and now after your tutorial I'll have to try this, your idea of the brass and aluminum rods was unique and creative. Well done as always.
Thanks Jerry! I picked up the rods at Lowe's and they were pretty reasonable considering they should last a while.

Beautiful Kathy! What can't you do?
Thanks Doug! There's plenty I can't do, I try to stick with the things I can finish.

Impressive! Nice work K!
Thanks Roger!

Nice job. Looks great. I really love the brass and aluminum rods!
Thanks Dale! and thanks for the demo, I've been wanting to try one of these for awhile and I'll probably make up one of the other jigs you showed with the angle iron.

That's great Kathy, looks like your creativity is going into overdrive!

Thanks Dan!

Very creative! I'd try one but I'm skeered:)
Thanks Ted! Give it a try, it's not bad one you get past the walking (lathe) stage.

Most impressive!! Very artistic, well done Kathy.
Thanks Mike!

Very imaginative and well done. Did you not have trouble with the metal rods shifting in the wood while you knocked them with the cutting tool? Did you use carbide, HSS or just your usual tools for cutting the brass/aluminum?
Thanks David! The rods were glued in with CA and the holes were drilled to size so the fit was fairly snug to start with. I used my Thompson gouge and scraper to level it out. Both metals are pretty soft, you definitely know you're cutting something other than wood, but it's not like finding a nail in your bowl blank. You just need to make sure you're taking very light cuts.

Wow, I love the turning, the mix of media and the black/natural finish. Just a stunning piece.
Thanks Doug!

Nice work. Really interesting.
Thanks Rich!

Very nice. thanks for sharing.
Thanks Greg!

Charles Drake
04-23-2013, 4:03 AM
Very nice! How did you mount the tenon in the recess of the off center block?

Tim Rinehart
04-23-2013, 9:48 AM
This is a very cool piece. It does have a celestial look to it, as Cheryl said. Neat to see you working on some of the more technically challenging stuff (I've not tried this myself, but would like to), will really open doors to creative things like we see from Paul Hedman or Mike Foster, as examples.

Eric Gourieux
04-23-2013, 9:59 AM
You never fail to impress! Nice job

Scott Lux
04-23-2013, 10:03 AM
You call that success?? You are a master of understatement. That is beyond success and deep into the realm of WOW!!!

Nathan Clark
04-23-2013, 6:02 PM
Very nice. Forgive my naivete, but how did you mount the Bowl blank to the the block? I suppose you could glue it, but I'm guessing you have a cleaner way.
Edit: Never mind, saw your other post.

Bernie Weishapl
04-23-2013, 11:26 PM
Beautiful Kathy. Well done.

Kathy Marshall
04-24-2013, 1:02 AM
Thanks for all the additional comments everyone!

Very nice! How did you mount the tenon in the recess of the off center block?
Charles, I used 3 or 4 dabs of medium CA around the sides of the recess, mounted the tenon and then made sure it seated on the shoulder. Then I used a few more dabs around the shoulder. That held it fine and I was able to break it loose with a chisel when I was done.