View Full Version : Leyland Cypress Bowl

Lee Koepke
04-21-2013, 8:27 PM
Here is a chunk of Leyland Cypress that was given to me awhile back. The finished product came out roughly 10" in diameter and just under 5" tall. Its got some real interesting voids (esp the little "thread" left at the top) and some interesting coloring too. I only have a camera phone picture right now. I finished it with Danish Oil and maybe a coat of lacquer later on. Comments welcome!


Dan Mullen
04-21-2013, 8:43 PM
Very Nice work on the bowl.

Roger Chandler
04-21-2013, 9:02 PM
uh........Lee, ..........don't look now, but I think there might be a hole in your bowl! :D:rolleyes: Won't hold soup, so it must be art! ;)

Eric Gourieux
04-21-2013, 10:49 PM
That's nice. Interesting to turn with the voids, huh? Well done

bob svoboda
04-22-2013, 11:17 AM
Love the voids. Good job keeping it together.

Dan Forman
04-22-2013, 12:39 PM
I can't believe that one little strip of bark between the two voids remained intact! Pretty cool.


Lee Koepke
04-22-2013, 1:04 PM
I had to sand this by hand mostly. Cypress turns well, but it scratches easily! I am impressed the little strip survived, I coated it with CA as I got closer to give me a fighting chance.
I do appreciate the comments!

Lee Koepke
05-12-2013, 9:24 AM
Here is a chunk of Leyland Cypress that was given to me awhile back. The finished product came out roughly 10" in diameter and just under 5" tall. Its got some real interesting voids (esp the little "thread" left at the top) and some interesting coloring too. I only have a camera phone picture right now. I finished it with Danish Oil and maybe a coat of lacquer later on. Comments welcome!


Well, this bowl sold in my wife's store after less than a week on display! I left off the lacquer because some woods/forms need that natural look, and this one I felt fit that bill.

While I am excited that someone else appreciates my work, I am also sad to see this go. I enjoyed looking at it everyday in my office!

Bernie Weishapl
05-12-2013, 9:57 AM
Really nice bowl Lee. Love the voids.

David C. Roseman
05-12-2013, 5:09 PM
Lee, very interesting piece! I see why you were sorry to see it go. Never occurred to me that Leyland Cypress would be such a nice turning wood.
