View Full Version : Spalted Maple

Deane Allinson
04-19-2013, 3:18 PM
The wood sales guy from Brazos hardwoods (A.K.A. Baillie outside of TX) brought by a little 4/4 x 6" x 24" board of kiln dried spalted maple. They had brought in some for someone's custom cabinets. They were asking $8.50 a bd.ft. I made 3 small bowl things out of the sample piece. Nothing special about the turning but the wood was really nice. I have photos of 2 of the pieces.

Dennis Ford
04-19-2013, 3:39 PM
Beautiful wood and your simple design and clean workmanship shows it off nicely.

Baxter Smith
04-19-2013, 9:13 PM
Great wood Deane. Spalted maple can be so pretty!

Donny Lawson
04-20-2013, 8:44 AM
Spalted woods is one of my favorite woods to turn. You did a real nice job on these.

Eric Gourieux
04-20-2013, 9:20 AM
That's beautiful, Deane. What are the dimensions?

Bernie Weishapl
04-20-2013, 11:30 AM
Those are beauties Deane as is the wood.

Thomas Canfield
04-20-2013, 11:04 PM
Nice work again Deane. The $8.50/board ft would figure to be about $2.13 each for 2 bowls 6" and $4.25 for the 12" thing - not bad price for blanks with that much character.

jwjerry w kowalski
04-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Man Deane that's some great looking wood, I think you made out really good. Nice job on the bowls.

robert baccus
04-21-2013, 2:37 PM
Great wood and good shapes and finish.